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时间:2022-09-21 22:50来源:毕业论文



The Investigation of the Primary School Senior Heterosexual Contacts——a elementary school   in Huaiyang County Caohe Township

Abstract:The heterosexual peer Contacts is one of the contents of children's peer interaction。In order to understand the present situation of the elementary school senior heterosexual contacts,we choose sixth grade class two students as a case in Zhoukou city Huaiyang county Caohe township 。On the basis of long-term practice of observation, for this class questionnaires,we found that children in heterosexual conflicts, heterosexual competition and heterosexual cooperation process are quite obvious gender differences [1], and accompanied by a series of problems, particularly in heterosexual conflicts。This study attempts to find specific performance of the problems in upper primary heterosexual Contacts, and analyze its causes。 What’s more, on this basis from the school curriculum and teaching management aspects, we put forward some suggestions to promote the elementary school higher grades students  for normal heterosexual peer interaction。

Key words:The elementary school higher grades students;Heterosexual peer interaction;Suggestions

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、研究设计 2

(一)调查对象 2

(二)调查方法 2

(三)调查结果 2

二、现状分析 5

(一)异性同伴交往态度存在问题的现状分析 5

(二) 与异性合作问题表现的现状分析 6

(三) 与异性交往多产生冲突的现状分析 6

(四) 对异性竞争几乎没感觉的现状分析 7

三、促进高年级小学生异性交往的建议 8

(一)开展“交往活动课”,改善异性交往态度 8

(二)小组学习,提高异性合作效率 9

(三)对异性冲突,做好预防工作 9

(四)利用群体优势,激起竞争意识 9

参考文献 10

附录 11

致谢 12



异性交往也称性别交往,按照性学专家潘绥铭先生的定义,是指不同性别之间、并不带有性动机或者性要求的、一般的人际来往和社会接触[2]。年龄相同或相近的儿童之间的相互协作、共同活动的性别交往,我们称之为异性同伴交往。小学阶段是孩子适应学习生活、学会人际交往,并融入集体生活的基础阶段[3],小学高年级的学生进入青春前期,男女生之间的交往发生了巨大变化并存在许多问题。之所以选择研究小学高年级异性同伴交往这一问题,是因为在本人顶岗实习的一年中该问题十分突出,直接影响到班级管理及课堂教学的正常进行,使教育、教学工作的开展举步维艰。因此如何引导学生进行健康的异性交往,建立并维持良好的异性同伴关系,扩大人际交往的范围,对其健康人格的发展具有重大意义,同时也对积累自身教育经验有很大帮助。 小学高年级异性交往的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_99667.html
