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时间:2020-12-11 19:34来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Practice of normal school students education is the theoretical study education an important teaching practice link, is also normal students get teaching experience, to improve practical ability of engaging in teaching and work, development of their comprehensive qualities and cultivation of normal students' professional consciousness is an important way, but also provide certain basis for the improvement of teacher professional teaching. Through in the school study, has mastered the knowledge of a lot of mathematics and mathematics education teaching elementary school mathematics teacher education students, but in the process of education practice, they show the actual ability is not ideal. The elementary school mathematics from the intern in the lectures, lessons, lectures and study in the elementary school student life and other aspects found they generally have some problems, confusion, and give them some advice and countermeasures, meet their urgent need some guidance and help.

Keyword:Normal School Students,teaching practice,elementary school mathematics 

1   引言 3

1.1 问题提出 3

1.2 目前小学数学实习生现状 4

1.3 研究意义 4

2 小学数学实习生在实习中存在的问题 4

2.1 实习环境的问题 4

2.2 实习生教学准备的问题 4

2.3 实习生教学技能的问题 4

2.4 实习生实习态度不端正的问题 5

2.5 实习生在实习中角色转化的问题 5

3 实习生出现这些问题的成因 5

3.1 高校对教育实习工作的关键性和重要性缺乏认识 5

3.2 缺失相关政策制度 5

3.3 实习的时间不够,形式单一 6

3.4 教育实习中人际关系的不协调也影响着教育实习是否能顺利进行 6

4 改进小学数学专业师范生教育工作的对策 6

4.1 师范院校务必重新认识数学教育实习的重要性,充分做好实习前的准备工作 6

4.2 加强与小学的合作关系,为师范院校创造稳定的实习基地 7

4.3 进一步制定和完善相关政策制度,适当增加实习经费 7

4.4 合理安排教育实习时间,建立注重反思的的教育实习模式 7

4.5 实习生要有科学的方法进行教育实习阶段的活动 8

4.6 实习生要树立正确的实习观,端正实习态度 小学数学实习生在实习过程中存在的问题以及解决措施:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_66218.html
