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时间:2020-09-14 17:02来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Primary Education (Arts) majors are important and the main source of language teachers in primary education teachers, their teaching quality and teaching ability is important to assess the impact of quality indicators to promote quality education, and to promote China's basic education teacher to a certain extent and teachers to improve the structure of professional standards.The professional employment was way popular, but with little to teach students the growing scale, overall employment in the cold normal students has spread to the profession.Development Status overview and analysis of Primary Education (Arts) Professional to teach professional article system, as well as subjective and objective factors that affect their employment, the last issue in the context of the analysis are given various remediation countermeasures.

Keywords:Primary Education (Arts) Professional,employment,reasons,countermeasures

目   录  

1  引言 3

1.1  学科介绍及发展概况 3

1.2  研究背景 3

1.3  研究意义 4

2 小学教育(文)专业就业的现状及影响因素 4

2.1  供需关系转变影响着小学教育的就业 5

2.2  教师招聘条件的变化使小教就业陷入困境 5

2.3  性别结构差异过大对该专业就业的影响 6

2.4  教师准入政策的变化影响该专业的就业 6

2.5  地方性保护政策对小教专业就业的影响 6

2.6  课程设置不合理,能力结构欠缺 6

2.7  毕业生就业观念影响着就业 6

3  小学教育(文)专业就业问题的对策 7

3.1  从学生自身出发寻找对策 7

3.2  高校应当为学生就业多做工作 8

3.3  政府应当重视小学教育专业毕业生就业 9

结  论 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13

1  引言

1.1  学科介绍及发展概况


小学教育(文)(师范)专业培养目标(以淮阴师范学院为例):培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具有现代教育理念和良好职业道德,具有小学教育专业的基本理论与技能及扎实宽厚的科学文化知识、学科知识,具有实施素质教育的能力和创新精神,能从事小学语文等学科教学的一专多能的跨学科、复合型、应用性的现代初等教育师资。 小教(文)专业师范生就业现状及对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_60469.html
