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时间:2020-06-28 21:32来源:毕业论文
采用了视觉搜索范式,以反应时、正确率以及被试自身的反馈为指标, 试图在前人研究的基础上进一步探讨:1、不同的文字与背景的颜色组合是否显著影响阅读速度、正确率和疲劳形成

摘要本研究采用了视觉搜索范式,以反应时、正确率以及被试自身的反馈为指标, 试图在前人研究的基础上进一步探讨:1、不同的文字与背景的颜色组合是否显著影响阅读速度、正确率和疲劳形成。2、男性与女性在上述方面是否存在差异。51749





毕业论文关键词:性别差异  电子文本  颜色组合  阅读疲劳 

 The Impact of Gender and Color Combinations on Fatigue in Electronic Text Reading Presented on LCD Displays


This paper describes the impact of gender and color combinations on fatigue in electronic text reading presented on liquid crystal displays. sixty participants participated in the study designed in visual search pattern including 30 male participants and 30 female participants.In the study, the participants were asked to identify the paralog in each 3×3 matrix based in 8 real Chinese characters and 1 paralog, selected and presented in conformance with the similar Chinese character frequency and to press on the wright key in a keypad. The accuracy and reaction time of correctly identified paralog and the was recorded as dependent measure for each color combination. On the basis of the predecessors, the impacts of gender ,color combinations, self-feedback(in form of self-rating scales) were studied.

According to the analysis of ANOVA for repeated measurement, color combinations significantly affected the reaction time of correctly identified paralog ,but gender factor didn’t. The obtained results showed ,generally, dark backgrounds and yellow characters led to better results compared with other color combinations.

Key Words: Gender difference   Electronic text reading  Color combination Reading Fatigue

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

图清单 IV

表清单 IV

1 绪论 1

1.1 文字与背景色的颜色组合 1

1.2 性别 3

2方法 4

2.1 被试 4

2.2 实验设计 4

2.3 程序 4

2.4 材料 4

2.5 实验过程 6

3数据处理 7

4结果 7

4.1 反应时(RT)结果 7

4.2 正确率(ACC)结果 9

4.3 被试自身反馈结果 10

5讨论 12

5.1 从反应时(RT)结果来看 12

5.2 从正确率(ACC)结果来看 12

5.3 从里克特7点自评量表收集的数据看 13

5.4 不足之处和展望 13

参考文献 14

附录 15


图序号 图名称 页码

图2-1 性别和电子文本颜色组合对阅读疲劳的影响:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_55499.html
