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时间:2020-05-10 10:45来源:毕业论文



 Research on Moral Decline of Elementary Teachers

Abstract:Money worship and hedonism, which have been undesirable trend in recent years, have a bad influence on elementary teachers. Moreover, on the one hand, the current educational institution and the management system for teachers have a massive drawback; on the other hand, elementary teachers are insufficient in overall quality. Those cause that some teachers morality is out of range. The moral decline manifests many phenomenon’ including seeking private gain through power and occupational burnout. The loss of professional ethics not only contributes the problems of students in mental health, but also damages the total image of a teacher. Therefore, it is imperative to solve the problem, the loss of professional ethics of elementary teachers. The thesis takes the method of documentary and questionnaire to study the phenomenon’s and performances regarding the problem. Besides analyzing the reasons, the thesis gives feasible suggestions from social environment, school management and teachers personal quality. 

Key words: Professional ethic; Moral decline; Elementary teachers; Teachers quality

 目  录 

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、问题的提出 2

二、小学教师职业道德失范的相关概念 2

(一)教师职业道德 2

(二)失范 2

(三)小学教师职业道德的失范 2

三、小学教师的职业道德失范的表现及原因分析 3

(一)调查设计 3

(二)调查结果分析 4

(三)教师失徳的主要原因 9

四、小学教师职业道德失范的改进建议 10

(一)营建宽松、民主的教育工作氛围 10

(二)充分保障小学教师的利益 11

(三)坚持学习,德能兼备 12

参考文献 13

附录 14

致谢 16



众所周知,小学生拥有十分强烈的好奇心,于此同时他们的求知欲也十分强烈 [1]。但是,我们应该明确的是,小学生的独立性相对比较差,模仿的能力比较强,可塑性也相对较大,对于教师也有着一种特殊的依赖以及信任。因为教师是除学生的父母以外,和学生相处的时间最长的人,是小学生最为直观的模范,最为鲜活的榜样之一,也是小学生最为喜爱的模仿对象,基于上述的原因,教师对于小学生的影响也是最为全面、最为深刻的。 小学教师职业道德失范及改进建议:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_51250.html
