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时间:2020-05-10 10:46来源:毕业论文



Causes and Countermeasures of Bullying Behavior in Primary School

—an example of a primary school in Zhou Kou city

Abstract: The campus is a bridge from the family to the community, and the primary school is the basic stage of children's acquisition of various attitudes and habits. Therefore, it plays a very important role in the life of the child. However, the current prevalence of primary school bullying showed persity, concealment, durability and other characteristics. Through observation and interviews found that the main reason of elementary school campus bullying is that students are one-sided on campus bullying problem; teachers’ attitude is negative in the management of campus bullying problem and students evaluation stresses wisdom over de seriously. For these reasons, we can solve problems of school bullying from enhancing the students' understanding, enhance the processing ability of teachers and promote students evaluation of comprehensive and persified.

Keywords: Primary school; Bullying; Teachers' professional quality; Students evaluation

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、问题的提出 2

二、校园欺辱行为的概念与特点 2

(一)校园欺辱行为的概念 2

(二)校园欺辱行为的特点 2

三、小学校园欺辱行为的原因分析 4

(一)小学生对校园欺辱问题的认识片面 4

(二)教师处理校园欺辱问题的态度消极化 5

(三)小学生评价“重智轻德”严重 6

四、改进对策 7

(一)提高学生对校园欺辱问题的认识 7

(二)提升教师对校园欺辱行为的认识与处理能力 7

(三)学生评价走向全面化、多元化 8

参考文献 9

附录 10

致谢 11



1999年陈世平等人在天津的调查中发现,经常受欺辱的小学生比例占20.3%,远远超过了初高中受欺辱的学生比例[2]。2002年山东师范大学博士生导师张文新在对山东和河北几百所学校的调查中发现,有14 .9%的7—16岁中小学生经常遭受欺辱[3]。 小学校园欺辱行为的成因与对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_51252.html
