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时间:2019-07-31 12:57来源:毕业论文

 The Problems and Strategies of Xincheng Kindergarten Dietary Management
Abstract : “The kindergarten education guidelines (Trial)”put forward: Kindergarten should put the protection of children’ lives and promoting children’ health in the first place. In the field of health education in kindergarten, it also pointed out that kindergarten should help children develop good eating habits. Developing a reasonable and balanced diet is very important for the growth and development of children. And the dietary management of kindergarten is the main factor affecting a healthy diet of the children. Therefore, through the literature, method of observation and interviews, the author made a series of observations and interviews with managers, conducted a thorough investigation on the existing problems of Xincheng Kindergarten dietary management. This article analyzes the dietary management of Xincheng kindergarten from kindergarten dietary management system, health, making recipes and contacting the family and kindergarten, and find out the existent problem. Based on the above, the author puts forward effective suggestions on scientific dietary management: strengthening the enforcement of dietary management system;   Strengthening the health management and enhance health standards; Strengthen dietary knowledge guiding formulate scientific diet; Strengthen ties and cooperation in the family and kindergarten. By improving these aspects can contribute to Xincheng kindergarten efficient dietary management, and promote the healthy development of young children.
    Key words: Kindergarten; Dietary management; Dietary management problems;Advice
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract     1
一、膳食管理概述    2
(一)膳食管理的含义    2
(二)膳食管理的价值    2
二、鑫城幼儿园膳食管理存在的问题及原因    2
(一)缺乏完善有效的膳食管理制度    3
 (二)卫生操作不够合格    4
(三)食谱制订不够科学有效    5
(四)家园联系缺乏    7
 三、改进鑫城幼儿园膳食管理的建议    7
(一)加强膳食管理制度    8
(二)加强卫生的管理和要求    8
(三)加强营养膳食知识辅导制定科学健康食谱    8
(四)做好家园联系及合作    9
参考文献    10
附录I    11
附录II    12
致谢    15
    健康的身体是幼儿身心和谐发展的基础,《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》指出:为有效促进幼儿身心健康发展,成人应为幼儿提供合理均衡的营养。[1] 在托幼机构,能否根据儿童身体的营养的需要、收费标准、市场的供应等情况进行合理有效计划膳食,将会直接影响到儿童的身体发育和健康成长。这就要求幼儿园要高度重视膳食管理。 幼儿园膳食管理存在的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_36513.html