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时间:2022-08-13 16:12来源:毕业论文



Rural Kindergartens Study on Current Situation of Physical Activities

--Take A kindergarten in Linfen city as an example

Abstract: Kindergarten put the health of infant as the first work,which let people pay more attention to the sports activities of child,however,in terms of some rural regions having poorer condition,there are still numerous problems of developing infant sports activity。 Under the circumstance,in this paper,I investigate and study the present situation of rural kindergarten sports activities by means of these ways:documentary method,observation method and interviewing method。 At the same time,the paper emphasizes on analyzing the issue from the four aspects:kindergarten sports venues,sports equipment,teacher preparation,time of sports activities。 As far these problems existing,I come up with the following suggestions:adding sports site types,enriching types of equipment,adding wielding ways of equipment,improving sports activities planning of teacher and so on,which is beneficial to carry out effective sports activities in rural region。

Key words: Rural kindergarten;Sports activities;On the status

目 录

摘要: 1

Abstract: 1

一、幼儿园体育活动概念 2

二、农村幼儿园体育活动开展现状存在的问题及成因分析 2

(一)体育活动场地种类单一 2

(二)体育器材种类和数量匮乏 4

(三) 体育器材玩法单一 4

(四)体育活动缺乏计划性,教师活动准备不充分 5

(五)体育活动时间缺乏合理性 6

三、改善农村幼儿园体育活动开展现状的建议 7

(一) 适当的增加该园的场地类型 7

(二) 丰富体育器械种类,创设一物多玩的玩法 7

(三) 幼儿教师提高体育活动的计划性 8

参考文献 9

附录Ⅰ 10

附录Ⅱ 11

致谢 12



生命在于运动。运动对于幼儿身体的健康发展起着至关重要的作用,尤其是各种体育运动,更是能够加速幼儿的生长发育[1]。体育作为幼儿园教育的第一要素,体现了幼儿园体育活动的重要价值,幼儿体育活动对幼儿身体发育的积极影响更不容忽视,幼儿在体育活动中获得快乐的同时,也使得幼儿与同伴间的交往能力、幼儿的合作意识、幼儿良好个性品质的养成以及幼儿应对困难的能力等都得到相应的提高,而这些都是建立在幼儿园是否合理的开展幼儿体育活动,发挥幼儿园体育活动有效性的基础上,这就对幼儿园开展的体育活动提出了更高的要求。笔者在临汾市A幼儿园实习期间,通过对A幼儿园开展的体育活动的调查,发现幼儿体育活动存在着一些问题,因此,本研究主要从开展体育活动存在的问题进行研究,寻找解决问题的成因,提出相应的策略,使得农村幼儿园的体育活动问题得到改善,给幼儿创设更好的活动环境,促进幼儿身心全面发展。 农村幼儿园体育活动开展现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97772.html
