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时间:2022-03-22 22:17来源:毕业论文



The investigation of present situation of children's cooperation ability

——The X kindergarten as an example

Abstract:fostering children's ability to cooperate has a great impact on the development of young children in forming a sound mind and body and personality。 the paper mainly uses observation, ition。way。ecase analysis and literature review to survey and research, and from the following several ways:cognxpansion。and reflections of preschool teachers’ fostering children’s ability to cooperate to interpret the current cooperation Abilities preschool existing problems, such as the training of teachers is not enough scientific and effective , joint training of their homes and kindergarten have not done enough and nursery management philosophy is not still perfect and other aspects; put forward feasible suggestions for specific issues, to lay the necessary foundation for training cooperation ability of Kindergarten children's education and a reasonable education suggestions。

Keywords:Thepreschoolchildren'scooperativeability;TrainingSituation;Researchquestions; suggestion

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、幼儿合作能力培养的概述 2

(一)幼儿合作能力培养的相关概念界定 2

(三)幼儿合作能力培养的重要性 2

二、幼儿合作能力培养现状的调查结果分析 3

(一)教师对幼儿合作能力培养的认知情况 3

(二)教师开展幼儿合作能力培养的途径 4

(三)教师开展幼儿合作能力培养的过程 5

(四)教师对开展幼儿合作能力培养的反思 7

三、幼儿合作能力培养中存在的问题及原因分析 8

(一)幼儿合作能力培养中存在的问题 8

(二)幼儿合作能力培养中存在问题的原因分析 8

四、幼儿合作能力培养的教育建议 9

(一)幼儿园应更新理念和明确培养制度 9

(二)幼儿教师应端正态度和提高专业素养 10

(三)家长应转变教育观念并积极参与合作 10

参考文献 11

附录 12

致谢 13


合作能力是做为一个社会人所必须要具备的能力,幼儿要立足社会、适应发展,就必须能融进集体、学会配合。本文选取X幼儿园大班为例,调查教师对幼儿合作能力培养的现状,探究其中还存在的问题,并逐一针对具体问题进行原因分析及提出合理的教育建议。以提高幼儿园、幼儿教师及家长对幼儿合作能力培养的重视程度,也促进教师幼儿合作能力的培养水平的提升。论文网 幼儿合作能力培养现状的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_91495.html
