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时间:2018-12-19 20:09来源:毕业论文

The Investigation of High School Students’  Interpersonal Relationship Condition—
—the high school of Biyang
Absract:In order to learn the condition of interpersonal relationship the high school students,we adopt the comprehensive diagnostic scale about interpersonal relationship which is compiled by Zheng Richang.The reseach is conducted among 218 students.The results show that: (1)Interpersoal relationhips among high school students there is a big problem. There are 12.39%  have serious problems on the status of interpersonal relationship;34.86% of high school students exist certain difficulties.Among the four dimensions of interpersonal relations, the degree of severity descend from communication, chatting,dealing with the opposite gender, treating people. (2) Interpersonal relationship has gender dfferences between high school , in the way one gets along with people and get along with the different gender,girls better than boys, boys behave better than the girls in making friends; (3) There has grade differences in the  conversation of interpersonal relations, grade one students better than grade two and grade three students.(4) There have significant differences in communication and the way one gets along with peoplemaking friends, city students was better than that of rural students.
Keywords :  high school student; relationship; trouble
目  录
摘要    1
Absract    1
引言    2
1 研究设计    3
1.1 研究对象    3
1.2 研究工具    3
1.3 数据处理    4
2 结果    4
    2.1 高中生人际关系总体状况    4
    2.2不同性别高中生人际关系状况    5
    2.3 不同年级高中生人际关系状况    5
    2.4 不同生源地高中生人际关系状况    6
3 讨论与分析    7
3.1 高中生人际关系总体状况分析    7
3.2 不同性别高中生人际关系状况分析    8
3.3 不同年级高中生人际关系状况分析    8
3.4 不同生源地高中生人际关系状况分析    8
4 结论    9
参考文献    10
附录    11
致谢    13
 世界潜能激励大师安东尼•罗宾曾经说过:人生最大的财富便是人脉关系,因为它能为你开启所需能力的每一道门,让你不断地成长不断地贡献社会。这句名言揭示了人际关系的重要性。人际关系广义上泛指人们在社会交往过程中所形成的各种关系,即社会关系,狭义上指人与人之间通过交往与相互作用而形成的一种心理关系,或称心理距离[1]。和别人建立良好的人际关系是人类社会生活中最重要的任务之一,众多心理学研究表明,与他人建立良好的人际关系,可以减少人们生活中的寂寞和孤独,获得满足感,良好人际关系所提供的社会支持可以促进人们的身心健康发展[2]。我国医学心理学家丁瓒教授指出:人类的心理适应最主要的就是对人际关系的适应,人类的心理病态是由于人际关系的失调而引发的[3]。随着经济社会的飞速发展和教育的普及,高中生的数量大大增加,高考的竞争也越来越大,导致社会更多地关注学生的成绩,而忽视了他们的身心健康和人际关系状况。近年来,高中生群体中不良事件频发,打架斗殴,酗酒,抑郁甚至跳楼,这些事件使得社会更加关注高中生这个群体。 高中生人际关系状况调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_27884.html