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时间:2020-06-01 22:03来源:毕业论文



The Problems and Strategies on the Extracirricular Reading of 

the Advanced Students

Abstract: The formation of the language literacy of advanced students has a direct relationship with extracurricular reading. Reading is an important way to cultivate students' language literacy, accumulate basic words ,learn knowledge , cultivate language sense and improve the comprehensive ability. However, the cultivation of reading ability is not get much attention by teachers, students and parents. According to the survey on the status  of extracurricular reading of advanced stidents in JinFeng Primary School in Renji Township  in Luyi Town in Zhoukou City, I analyse the problems the advanced students encountered in the extracirrcular reading and propose some solutions from the perspective of the parents, students and teachers in hope that those can improve their reading quality and  language ability  and enrich their spiritual civilization.

Keywords:advanced stage of the primary school; extracirricular reading; guidelines and strategies

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、课外阅读的概念 2

二、小学高段学生课外阅读存在问题 2

(一)阅读计划性不强 3

(二)阅读习惯欠佳 3

(三)阅读数量不足 4

(四)阅读内容品质不高 5

(五)阅读时间太少 6

三、小学高段学生课外阅读现存问题原因探析 6

(一)家庭因素 6

(二)教师因素 7

(三)学生个人因素 7

(四)社会及学校因素 8

四、促进小学高段学生课外阅读的策略 8

(一)改善家庭阅读环境 8

(二)教师教导科学合理的阅读方法 9

(三)提升学生阅读图书的品质 10

(四)培养学生的课外阅读兴趣 10

五、结语 11

参考文献 12

附录 13

致谢 15 


有益的阅读有利于陶冶个人的思想情操,提高个人的素质和修养,开阔个人的视野,塑造个人的个性,健全人的心理品质。课外阅读可以拓展学生的知识面,可以帮助学生将课内外知识联系起来帮助其成长。同时,通过进行大量的课外阅读,学生的理解能力将会得到提高,对于课本知识以及课外知识的接受能力也能提高,学习也相对轻松一些。小学阶段是人成长的重要阶段在这个阶段让孩子阅读优秀的经典作品或名著,从而可以学习到新的字词和更加优美的句段以及获得丰富的思想教育,这些将会对学生的终身发展起着非凡的意义。 小学高段学生课外阅读问题及应对策略 :http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_53536.html
