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时间:2018-12-19 20:07来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:  高职生;   网络;   网络交往动机;  
The Investigation of Network Communication Motivation Status Quo of Higher Vocational Students
Abstract: The internet, which is becoming an important vehicle for college students' association, has changed the old way of life and study. In order to understand the current situation of college students' network communication motivation, we adopt the Chi Xinli’s College Students’ Network Communication Motivation.The questionnaire survey was conducted among 210 full-time higher vocational students in school. The results showed that: (1) Network communication motivation overall is close to moderate levels of higher vocational students. (2) The overall motivation levels of male students were significantly higher than female students in these dimensions such as confirmed, convenient life, social communication motivation and self-motivation questionnaire. (3) A freshman secondary academic help and implemental communication motivation was on the highest level of motivation, while junior students was totally opposite. (4) Higher vocational students majoring in liberal arts were significantly higher than students majoring in science and engineering in information acquisition, academic help and implemental communication motivation levels.
Key words: Higher vocational students; Internet; Network communication motivation
目    录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
1研究设计    2
1.1 对象    2
1.2 方法    2
1.3 统计工具    3
2研究结果    3
2.1 高职生网络交往动机的总体状况    3
2.2 不同性别高职生网络交往动机在各文度上的比较    4
2.3 不同年级高职生网络交往动机在各文度上的比较    4
2.4 不同专业高职生网络交往动机各文度的比较    5
3讨论    6
3.1 高职生网络交往动机的总体状况    6
3.2 高职生在网络交往动机上的性别特点    7
3.3 高职生在网络交往动机上的年级特征    7
3.4 高职生在网络交往动机上的专业类型差异    8
4结论    8
参考文献    9
附录    10
致谢    12
时代在发展,科技在进步,随着网络技术的发展,人与人之间的物质与信息交流不再受时间、地点、空间的局限,经济水平和生活水平的日益改善,使每年网络使用者人数都增长的非常迅猛,而网络的出现也为物质、信息交流的发展提供了媒介和平台。大学生作为时代发展的主力军,不可避免的成为网络使用的重要群体,与网络的关系日益密切[1]。近年来,随着网络技术的不断发展,网络使用的普及和网络鲜明的互动性、超时空性、自由性、平等性、开放性和虚拟性等特征,使广大青年大学生们更加热衷于利用网络来进行有效的信息沟通,并逐渐成为一种新型的交往方式[2]。 高职生网络交往动机现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_27882.html