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时间:2017-02-07 20:49来源:毕业论文

关键词  Al/CuO复合薄膜  电阻测定  肖特基接触  电击穿
Title          Preparation  and  resistance  characterization                   
 of  the  Al/CuO  multilayer  films  
This paper presented vacuum magnetron sputtering method for Al/CuO multilayer films. The substrates were fixed on a rotating holder and alternately exposed to a flow of the substance that is deposited from different targets. The number of layers is equal to the number of revolutions of the holder, and the thickness of each layer is determined by the exposure time, the power of the source and the source-to-substrate distance. The prepared films were characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the results show that Al/CuO multilayer films have good qualities. The films were sputtered from Al and CuO simultaneously operating magnetron targets. Determination of the resistance of the films show that the Al film has a good conductivity, and the resistance of CuO films increase with increasing thickness. Resistance between Al and CuO films is in KΩ level, which prove that threshold of electrical stimulation exists for Schottky Barrier structured Al/CuO multilayer films, and the reasons can be related to the series surface contact Schottky junctions formed between inpidual Al and CuO films.
Keywords   Al/CuO multilayer films    Resistance measurement
           Schottky contacts          Electrical breakdown
目  次

1  绪论    1
1.1  研究目的及意义    1
1.2  国内外研究概况    1
1.3  本文主要研究内容    2
2.  Al/CuO复合薄膜材料的制备与表征    3
2.1   Al/CuO复合薄膜材料制备原理与方法    3
2.2   Al/CuO复合薄膜的表征    11
3.  Al/CuO复合薄膜材料的电阻特性表征    14
3.1  单层薄膜电阻测量    14
3.2  Al/CuO复合薄膜电阻特性及肖特基效应分析    17
3.3  Al/CuO复合薄膜击穿电压测定    19
结论    23
致谢    24
参考文献    25
1  绪论
1.1  研究目的及意义
随着火工品技术的发展,对新型火工品的安全性和可靠性要求提高,同时要求满足火工品的小型化和多功能化。传统的桥丝式电火工品是靠电流通过有一定电阻的微细金属桥丝,电能按焦耳-楞次定律 产生热量,使桥丝升温达到灼热状态,加热桥丝周围的炸药使其爆炸[1]。桥丝式电火工品的桥丝材料通常为镍铬、康铜或铂铱等,当电流通入桥丝后,在桥丝上电能转换成热能,能量的转换效率较低。而Al/CuO复合薄膜是一种具有化学反应性能的含能薄膜材料, Al/CuO复合桥箔能在电热电爆过程中引入化学反应,使化学能和电能共同作用,理论上可提高点火桥箔的输出能量。桥膜通入电流时,电能产生焦耳热,使桥膜升温,当达到一定温度时,Al与CuO发生化学反应,并放出大量热,与电能产生的热量一起传递给药剂,使药剂迅速升温,发生燃烧或爆炸,故Al/CuO复合膜可在输入相同能量情况下,提高点火桥的能量转换效率,达到降低点火桥的发火能量、实现输出能量倍增的目的[1-5]。本文通过磁控溅射法制备Al/CuO复合薄膜,研究复合薄膜的电阻特性,应用于Al/CuO复合桥泊的点火的安全与可靠性研究。 Al/CuO复合薄膜的制备和电阻特性表征:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_2617.html