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时间:2022-12-19 22:15来源:毕业论文



Research on the Influence Factors of Tourist Destination's Word of Mouth Marketing and Its Countermeasures -- Taking Suzhou as an Example

Abstract With the popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of the information society, tourist destination is more and more dependent on the social media for word of mouth marketing。 Taking Suzhou as an example, this paper investigates the present situation of social media word of mouth marketing in the tourist destination and influence factors by questionnaire。 Starts with the social media word of mouth marketing influence factors of tourists' travel intention, such like related factors of information content, demand factors, authenticity, structural factors of information transmission channel and information intensity。 Analyzes how the influence factors and the impact vary from two groups: respondents who are willing to travel to Suzhou and respondents who are not willing to travel to Suzhou。 Meanwhile, prepares the interview outline to do interviews with the people who are engaged in the social media word of mouth marketing。 Analyzes the key factors and the reason why these key factors come into effect。 Through analyzing, puts forward some countermeasures to promote the development of the social media word of mouth marketing of Suzhou tourism。

Keywords: Suzhou; Tourist Destination; Social Media; Word of Mouth Marketing 

目  录

0 引言 1

1 相关概念界定的理论基础 1

1。1 相关定义研究 1

1。1。1 旅游目的地的定义 2

1。1。2 口碑的定义 3

1。1。3 口碑营销的定义 3

1。2 口碑营销影响因素的前人研究 4

1。2。1 口碑发送者特征 4

1。2。2 口碑信息特征 5

1。2。3 接收者特征 5

1。2。4 社会关系强度 6

1。2。5 传播渠道结构因素 6

1。2。6 旅游目的地产品及服务质量 6

1。2。7 环境因素 7

2 苏州旅游目的地社会媒体口碑营销现状分析 7

2。1 苏州旅游目的地社会媒体口碑营销信息渠道的提供 8

2。2 苏州旅游目的地社会媒体口碑营销信息渠道的使用 15

2。3 本章小结 15

3 社会媒体口碑营销信息影响旅游意向的因素分析 16

3。1 编制调查问卷及投放 苏州旅游目的地口碑营销的影响因素研究及对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_112037.html
