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时间:2021-12-25 20:53来源:毕业论文



Cultural landscape design of Changzhou high speed railway Square

Abstract: Economic growth needs of many industries and enhance the economic stimulus, will be counterproductive to many industries。 The high-speed railway is one example。 In the high-speed rail has become an important modern transportation way at the same time, the high speed rail station, relying on high-speed rail station around the public space also attracted attention。 Because of people's spiritual level the increase in the role of distribution station square take basic transportation hub, has gradually been endowed with more functions, has become a complex landscape of city space。 The original single square form has been unable to meet the current requirements。 Therefore, in this paper we will on Changzhou station for the landscape design, to the city square。 Based on the elements, combined with the local unique advantages, the radiation effect of the block is promoted, and the road design of the railway station square and the park is explored。

Key Words: high speed railway park, high speed railway station square landscape,  urban public space,ecological landscape 

1  引言 4

1。1 设计项目简述: 4

1。2 项目研究意义和目的 4

2  研究现状和发展趋势 6

2。1现状研究 6

2。2 发展趋势 6

3  设计思路 6

3。1 基地概况 6

3。2 规划设计构想 7

3。3 景观规划设计说明 7

3。3。1 基地调研 7

3。3。2项目设计理念 8

4  设计分析 9

4。1 功能及节点分析 9

4。1。1入口水景区 10

4。1。2集散广场区、公园入口景观 10

4。1。3线纹广场 11

4。1。4滨水景观区 12

4。1。5密林游憩区 13

4。1。6滑板游乐区 14

4。2 水系设计 14

4。3植物设计 15

4。4交通设计 15

5  结束语 16

致  谢 17

参考文献 18

1  引言

1。1 设计项目简述:

常州北站,地处常州市新北区北部新城,总建筑面积为12253m³,站房南北分为两个绿化景观广场,公交车停车场置于北广场两侧;南广场两侧则放置汽车客运中心和停车场。不同于一般车站,由于是全高架车站,高铁在上方高价轨道运行,游客则从站点下方进出。 常州高铁广场文化景观设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_87321.html
