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时间:2021-10-23 10:16来源:毕业论文
上海大学办公楼,批准总建筑面积约为5077 m^2,拟建5层。办公室、会议室、多功能展厅等部分建筑面积3500 m^2,其它部分15772 m^2,建地上五层,不设地下室, 用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,为丙

摘要:本工程为上海大学办公楼,批准总建筑面积约为5077 m^2,拟建5层。办公室、会议室、多功能展厅等部分建筑面积3500 m^2,其它部分15772 m^2,建地上五层,不设地下室, 用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,为丙类建筑。建筑地面粗糙度类别为C类,基本风压为0。55 KN/m^2,抗震设防烈度为7度, 设防地震分组第一组,场地类别Ⅳ类,抗震等级三级。建筑结构安全等级为二级,设计基准期为50年,基础设计等级为乙级。73742

本建筑设计始终以安全、适用、经济为原则, 经过实地走访,查阅相关资料文献,初步形成建筑外观。之后采用了CAD和天正软件、结合相关规范和规定,按照建筑设计要求对建筑平面进行了初步的设计并完成了初步的建筑说明。本建筑采用钢筋混凝土结构,建筑风格简洁大方。建筑设计阶段完成之后运用PKPM软件对该建筑进行了结构设计,经过一次次的调整之后确定了建筑结构方案。然后通过手算结合电算的方式对建筑结构的配筋、混凝土等级等进行了确定。确认无误之后通过PKPM软件导出建筑施工图,并运用CAD和天正软件对施工图进行修改和调整。


毕业论文关键词: CAD、PKPM、天正、混凝土结构、建筑图、施工图。

abstract:The project is for the Shanghai University office building, approved a total construction area of about 5077 m ^ 2, the proposed five layers。 Office buildings, conference rooms, multi-purpose exhibition hall and other parts of the construction area of 3500 m ^ 2, the other part of 15772 m ^ 2, built on the five-story, no basement, with cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure for the C class construction。 The ground floor roughness category is C, the basic wind pressure is 0。55 KN / m ^ 2, the seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees, the first group of fortification seismic grouping, the class Ⅳ class, the earthquake grade three。 The structural safety grade is Grade 2, the design base period is 50 years, and the basic design grade is Grade B。

The architectural design has always been safe, applicable, the principle of the economy, after field visits, access to relevant information, the initial appearance of the building。 After the use of CAD and Tengzheng software, combined with the relevant norms and regulations, in accordance with the architectural design requirements of the building plane was initially designed and completed the initial building instructions。 The building uses reinforced concrete structure, simple and generous architectural style。 After the completion of the architectural design phase using PKPM software on the structure of the building design, after a series of adjustments to determine the building structure program。 And then through the hand count with the way the calculation of the building structure of the reinforcement, concrete grades were determined。 Confirmed by PKPM software after the export of construction drawings, and the use of CAD and Tianyi software to modify and adjust the construction drawings。

After the completion of the design, after a summary of a building floor plan, a set of construction plans and a building structure of a book。

Keywords: CAD, PKPM, tianzheng, concrete structure, building drawing, construction drawing。 


1 建筑方案设计 3

1。1设计依据 3

1。1。1任务书 3

1。1。2相关规范 3

1。2设计要求 4

1。3建筑设计方案 4

1。3。1平面设计 5层上海大学办公楼建筑结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_83406.html
