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时间:2021-09-15 20:56来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关 键 词:教学楼,建筑设计,结构设计,框架结构,施工组织

Comprehensive teaching building of experimental middle school, Qingpu District, Shanghai

Abstract:This building is a secondary school buildings, located in Shanghai, the construction area of 5526。8 m2, frame structure, layer number of five layers, total building height of 19。95 m, indoor and outdoor elevation difference of 0。45 m, basement, reasonable structure design to use fixed number of year for 50 years, seismic fortification intensity of 7 degrees, design fire resistance rating for the secondary, wall materials for ceramsite concrete hollow block。This building sits, architectural plane as a glyph, protruding southward on both ends of 2。4 m, easy to decorate a big classroom, beautiful appearance, rational layout, there are mainly ordinary classroom, each layer is decorated with the classroom office and a lounge, toilet is respectively arranged on both ends of each layer, symmetrical layout, structure is simple and practical。Two stair plank stair, all is enclosed stair, bottom corridor has door at both ends, meet fire prevention requirement, easy emergency the people evacuate。Structure type for the cast-in-situ reinforced concrete frame structure, the frame structure calculation, using PKPM software aided calculation, because it is the building and matters, so to strengthen the seismic requirements。

Key words: teaching building, Architectural design,Structure design, Frame structure, The construction organization 


1建筑设计 1

1。1设计依据 1

1。2设计要求 2

1。3建筑设计 2

1。3。1平面设计 2

1。3。2柱网布置 2

1。3。3楼板层的选择 2

2结构方案设计 3

2。1设计依据 3

2。2 设计要求 4

2。3结构方案 5

2。3。1结构选型 5

2。3。2结构布置 5

2。3。3 基础形式 5

2。3。4主要材料 5

2。3。5 梁、板、柱截面选择 6

2。3。6 竖向荷载计算 7

3结构电算 9

3。1电算内容 9

3。2电算小结 41

4横向框架手算 43

4。1工程概况 上海青浦区五层实验中学综合教学楼设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_81821.html
