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时间:2021-07-24 09:15来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 暗挖;隧道;台阶法;结构设计;二次衬砌

Structural design of the left line tunnel in Guiyang light rail line 2

Abstract:The design of the tunnel is about 496.2m(ZCK46+434~+930.2)in the left tunnel of Guiyang Light Rail Line 2, ZCK46 + 434 ~ +579 section with the excavation construction, and ZCK46 +579 ~ +930.2 paragraph with dug construction.The interval excavation is constructed by step method.This design uses the surrounding rock level V, secondary lining type Vc1 dark excavation design, length 30.2m.The cave is located in the Weathered limestone. The main structure and its associated important components, the safety level for the first level. The other components of the security level of two, support the security level of not less than two. Secondary lining selection of C35 waterproof reinforced concrete and HRB400 steel, reinforced steel protective layer thickness of 30mm. The design of the use of structural mechanics to solve the software to calculate the relevant internal force data, and in accordance with the "concrete structure design principle" for reinforcement calculation, through the inspection that the safety and stability of the lining structure to meet the design requirements, and finally draw drawings through AutoCAD. In the construction organization design, in order to ensure the construction safety, construction focus on environmental protection, so that green construction; to ensure the duration, construction period and order, construction process and the allocation of construction personnel management has done a scientific and rational.

KeyWords: Dark digging; Tunneling; step method; structural design; secondary lining


1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1

1.3 发展趋势 1

1.4 文献综述 2

2 概述 2

2.1 设计依据 2

2.2 设计范围 3

2.3 设计原则及设计标准 3

2.3.1 设计原则 3

2.3.2 设计标准 3

2.3.3 结构耐久性要求 5

3 地质概况 5

3.1 气象、水文 5

3.2 地形地貌 6

3.3 地层岩性 6

3.3.1 第四系覆盖层 6

3.3.2 基岩 6

3.4 地质构造及地震烈度 贵阳轻轨2号线机小区间左线暗挖隧道结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_78848.html
