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时间:2021-04-11 14:48来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词 中学综合性办公楼  框架结构 配筋计算


Title  Architectural and structural design of a Nanjing  middle  school  comprehensive  office  building                                                  


This course is designed to complete the Nanjing High school comprehensive building in architectural and structural design. The buiding  is a in-situ concrete frame structure, with four floors, which are 3.6m. And the gross floor area is approximately 4000m2. The building is designed with the life of 50 years, the second level of security, the seismic design categories of C, seismic intensity of the seventh degree, the basic design earthquake acceleration of 0.1g, earthquake design group for the first group, structure important coefficient of 1.0 and the fire rating requirements. The building’s indoor relative elevation is± 0.000, with the interior and exterior height of 0.45m.

First I finish the structural arrangement of the frame structure. And then by considering the dead loads, live loads and earthquake loads to analyze,  I calculate and adjust various combinations of the situation on the force analysis by way of a combination of internal forces. Finally, calculate the most unfavorable combination to decide the reinforcement of slabs, beams, columns, foundation.

Finally, completed the design of the main structure and draw some construction drawing.

Keywords: High school comprehensive building, Framework, Reinforcement calculation


1   绪论. 1

2   建筑设计  1

3   结构方案设计. 6

4   楼盖设计. 7

4.1 楼盖结构布置 7

4.2 楼板设计 9

4.3 次梁设计. 14

5  框架设计  17

5.1 结构计算简图的确定. 17

5.2 荷载计算. 17

5.3 内力计算. 25

5.4 内力组合. 43

5.5 梁柱设计内力调整. 50

5.6 控制截面的不利内力. 53

5.7 配筋计算. 54

6   PKPM电算校核  62

6.1 手算与电算计算结果对比. 62

6.2 计算误差分析. 64

7  基础设计  65

7.1 场地描述. 66

7.2 基础平面布置. 67

7.3 基础设计. 67

8  楼梯设计  68

8.1 荷载计算. 70

8.2 梯段板设计. 70

8.3 平台板设计. 71

8.4 平台梁设计. 71

结论.  73

致谢.  74

参考文献.  75

1 绪论

该工程为南京某中学综合性办公楼,现浇混凝土框架结构,主体结构四层,层高3.6m,建筑面积约为4000m2。设计使用年限50年,安全等级二级;环境类别一类;抗震设防类别丙类,抗震等级三级,抗震设防烈度7度,设计地震基本加速度0.1g,设计地震分组为第一组;结构重要性系数为1.0,建筑类别为三类。室内相对标高±0.000,相对于绝对标高9.6m,室内外高差0.45m。 四层浇混凝土框架结构南京市某中学综合性办公楼建筑及结构设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_72943.html
