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时间:2020-09-26 15:47来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:路基加固处理  路堤稳定性  挡土墙支护

Embankment and support design of Wuhan Guangzhou special railway line

Abstract: Wuhan Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line is Jingguang Railway at the southern end, is one of China's railway network, the main backbone, from Wuhan to stand up to Guangzhou south railway station, based on the lot of land factors, mainly for Wuhan Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line anti wet subsidence and slope stability has certain requirements, the design based on the embankment of the passenger dedicated line and support design, in the design, for subgrade strengthening treatment, embankment stability design of retaining walls supporting the selection and design of, calculation and verification. According to these key points and the difficulty of the analysis.

KeyWords:Subgrade reinforcement treatment;Embankment stability;Retaining wall 

目  录

1 绪论 4

1.1 课题的目的和意义 4

1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 4

1.3 发展趋势 4

2 设计资料 6

3 地质概况 8

3.1 地形地貌 8

3.2 工程地质及水文地质特征 8

3.3 地震动参数 8

3.4 水文地质概况 8

3.5 路基主要地质特征 8

3.6 路基地基土类型 9

4 路基横断面设计方案 10

4.1 设计目的 10

4.2 路基横断面设计选取 10

4.3 换算土柱 14

4.4 边坡稳定性分析 15

4.5 路基边坡加固与防护 21

5 重力式挡土墙设计 22

5.1 设计目的 22

5.2 重力式挡土墙 22

5.3 挡土墙设计中的土压力计算 23

5.3.1 破裂棱体重量的计算 23

5.3.2 破裂棱体各项分力 25

5.3.3 挡土墙的滑动稳定性验算 25

5.3.4 挡土墙的倾覆稳定性验算 25

6 桩板式挡土墙设计 27

6.1 设计目的 27

6.2 桩板式挡土墙 27

6.3 计算土压力在桩上的分布以及地面点A的弯矩和推力 27

6.3.1 填料所产生的土压力A点弯矩 27

6.3.2 荷载所产生的土压力和A点弯矩 28

6.3.3 荷载及填料所产生的土压力和A的弯矩,合力作用点位置 武广专线的路堤与支护设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_61816.html
