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时间:2020-06-20 15:26来源:毕业论文
主要分建筑设计和结构设计两大部分. 华东某公司拟新建一办公楼,总建筑面积4600 m2(+10%)左右,共5层,总高度为17.1m。抗震设防烈度为7度

摘要本工程为设计, 主要分建筑设计和结构设计两大部分. 华东某公司拟新建一办公楼,总建筑面积4600 m2(+10%)左右,共5层,总高度为17.1m。抗震设防烈度为7度。

按照建筑设计规范,综合考虑地质条件、使用功能等方面确定该结构柱网尺寸为58.5m×15m,底层不低于3.9 m,其它层不低于3.3m。

本次结构设计主要以结构方案中KJ-4这榀框架进行分析。在确定框架布局之后,先进行了层间荷载代表值的计算,接着利用顶点位移法求出自震周期,进而按底部剪力法计算水平地震荷载作用下大小,进而求出在水平荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力)。接着计算竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力,再找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合。 选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图。另外还进行了结构方案中的室内楼梯的设计,完成了平台板,梯段板,平台梁等构件的内力和配筋计算及施工图绘制。本设计采用独立基础,对基础承台进行了受力和配筋计算,最后完成施工图绘制。51287

毕业论文关键词:办公楼; 框架结构; 结构,抗震设计;独立基础

Abstract This project is designed primarily architectural design and structural design of two parts, East China A company plans to build an office building with a total floor area of 4600 m2 (+10%) or so, a total of 5 floors with a total height of 17.1m. Seismic intensity of 7 degrees

In accordance with the building design, considering the geological conditions, functionality and other aspects of the structure to determine column grid size of 58.5m×15m, the bottom is not less than 3.9 m, the other layer is not less than 3.3m.

The structural design of the main structural scheme KJ-4 specimens of this framework for analysis. In determining the frame layout, the first carried out on behalf of the interlayer load value is calculated, followed by the use of vertex displacement method for the earthquake cycle, and then calculated according to the level of the base shear under seismic load size, and then find the horizontal loads structural forces (bending moment, shear, axial force). Then calculate the vertical loads (dead load and live load) under the action of the structural forces, and then identify the most unfavorable one group or several groups combined forces. Select the safest results calculated reinforcement and drawing. Structure of the program were also carried out in the interior design of the staircases, the completion of the platform board, bench boards, platforms, beams and other components of internal forces and reinforcement calculation and construction drawings. This design uses independent foundation, foundation platform carried on by force and reinforcement calculation finalize construction drawings.

Key Words: office;  frame structure;  structure,  seismic design;  independent foundation


第一章 建筑设计 1

1.1  基本设计资料 1

1.2  建筑设计说明 2

1.3  建筑细部构造具体做法 3

第二章 结构设计 6

2.1  结构选型和布置 6

2.1.1  结构选型 6

2.1.2  结构布置 7

2.1.3  初估截面尺寸 7

2.2  结构计算简图的确定 8

2.2.1  计算简图 8

2.2.2  框架梁、柱截面特性 9

2.2.3  框架梁柱的线刚度计算 江天5层商务办公楼建筑结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_54876.html
