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时间:2019-10-26 14:23来源:毕业论文

摘要:近年来,随着改革开放的深入,上海的经济发展和城市建设突飞猛进,越来越多的城市建筑配置了集中空调系统,数量逐年增加。而空调冷热源的能耗及使用成本占整个集中空调系统的60~70%,不同冷热源方案的差别也很大,随之带来的日趋严重的能耗和环境问题一直是业内人士关注的焦点。所以空调冷热源方案的选择和评估已经成为空调系统设计过程中的一个重要环节,同时也是设计工作者和业主经常碰到的问题。 冷热源工程是为了满足特定的建筑环境而产生和发展起来的。从冰块取冷到制冷机的诞生,从火坑取暖到热的集中供应,冷热源的发展给人类提供了一个更加舒适的建筑环境。然而,为了获得建筑环境调控所需的能量,必然需要消耗一定的人工能源,同时也会对环境造成一定的污染。可见,冷热源在满足建筑环境需求的同时给生态系统带来了一些不利影响。因此,怎样处理好建筑环境的能量需求与最大限度地保护生态系统之间的矛盾是人类所共同面临的一个全球性问题。能源是现代社会生产生活的重要物质基础,现代文明正是建立在对物质和能源大量消费的基础上。为了满足特定的建筑环境要求,必须向其供给一定的冷量或热量,而冷量和热量的产生都是以消耗一定能源为代价的。因此,“冷热源工程”这一技术成为建筑节能最重要的关键领域之一。41368
毕业论文关键词: 冷热源系统;冷热负荷;冷水机组
Abstract:In recent years, with the deepening of the reform and opening up, Shanghai's economic development by leaps and bounds and urban construction, more and more city buildings equipped with central air conditioning system, the number increased year by year.And energy consumption of air conditioning heat and cold sources and use cost accounts for 60 to 70% of the entire central air conditioning system, the difference of different cold and heat source scheme is big, then bring the increasingly serious energy and environmental problems has been the focus of the industry.So the air conditioning cold and heat source scheme selection and evaluation has become an important part in the process of air conditioning system design, and design professionals and owners often encounter problems.Hot and cold source project is to meet a specific architectural environment and produced and developed.From the ice cold to the birth of the refrigerating machine, from the pit of fire to keep warm to hot concentrated supply, cold and heat source for the development of human construction provides a more comfortable environment.However, in order to get the energy for the building environment control, must need to consume a certain human energy, also caused certain pollution to the environment.Visible, cold and heat source at the same time of meet the demand of building environment to ecological system has brought some adverse effects.Therefore, how to deal with the energy of the built environment requirements and the contradiction between the maximum protection ecosystem is the common human face a global problem.Energy is one of the important material foundation of modern social production and living, modern civilization is based on material and energy consumption on the basis of a lot.In order to meet the specific architectural environment requirement, must to supply a certain amount of cold or heat, but the amount of cold and heat production only at the cost of a certain energy consumption."Cold heat source project", therefore, the technology become the most important one of the key areas of building energy efficiency.
Key words:cold and heat source system;cold and hot load;cold water unite
目录    1
绪论    1
1 毕业设计概况    3
1.1 毕业设计题目    3
1.2 毕业设计原始资料    3 静安区某综合楼空调冷热源系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_41387.html