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时间:2019-09-25 20:37来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:  矿山测量,一井定向,误差分析,方案优化
Mine surveying is indispensable in the process of development of mining is an important basic technical work. Mine contact measurement is the necessary premise of mine construction project, use the same coordinate system, inoue underground to form inoue underground coordinate contact, convenient for construction and production. But in actual measurement, the well depth, the underground water seepage, underground factors such as wind, finally the results and the actual result error is larger, there may be a project under the condition of hidden trouble of error, high precision of contact measurement can effectively avoid the mining strata movement and surface subsidence, craze, floods and other disasters, as well as other mines on the basis of security engineering work as high as possible to improve measurement precision need to optimize the contact measurement scheme. Depending on the geometry directional, at the edge of the downhole and gyro, improve the accuracy of measurement. Scheme on the edge of comparison without gyro, the error of measurement are analyzed, concluded that a more optimal solution.
Key words(加粗): Mine surveying, a directional well, the error analysis, scheme optimization

摘   要    I
Abstract    II
1.绪论    1
1.1 概述    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.3主要研究内容和技术路线    3
2.矿区概况和测量任务    3
2.1 矿区概况    3
2.2矿井测量任务     4
3联系测量方案与误差分析    4
3.1测量方案    4
4.优化测量方案与误差分析    16
4.1优化方案    16
4.2优化方案误差分析    20
致  谢    23
参考文献    24
    1.1 概述
平面联系测量中的误差来源主要是由坐标方位角传递的误差引起的,所以这种测量又叫做矿井定向。几何定向和陀螺定向是矿井定向按性质的不同分成的两种类别。几何定向则按照其所需要求划分为通过平硐或斜井的几何定向,一井定向和两井定向。通过平硐或斜井的几何定向,对地面和井下进行联测即可。一井定向顾名思义,定向工作在一个井筒内进行。主要方法主要则是在井筒内悬挂两根钢丝(或同时铅垂地发射两条可见光束),然后经过测量把地面近井点的平面坐标和方位角传递到井下。两井定向为在两个有着巷道贯通的竖井内进行的定向测量。主要操作为在两个竖井井筒内各悬挂一根重垂线(或各铅垂地发射一条可见光束),依靠地面坐标系统来测定出两条垂线的中心位置的坐标,并在井下用导线进行联系测量,将地面的坐标系统传递到井下。物理定向则分为用精密仪器定向,用投向仪定向,用陀螺仪定向,陀螺定向为用陀螺经纬仪测定某控制网边的陀螺方位角,并经换算获得此边真方位角的测量工作。前两种方法精度远远不如用陀螺仪定向,而且操作繁琐。导入高程的方法包括通过长钢尺导入高程,通过长钢丝导入高程,用光电测距仪导入高程。用光电测距仪导入高程精度高,而且精度不受井深影响。 一井联系测量方案设计优化:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_39841.html