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时间:2019-05-31 22:35来源:毕业论文

摘要:本次毕业设计的主要任务为南京市体校食堂的建筑结构设计。主体建筑共3层,采用框架结构体系,首层层高4.2m,标准层层高3.9m,总建筑总面积约5000m2。设计内容包含建筑设计和结构设计两部分。建筑设计部分主要依据任务书基本要求进行平面、立面、剖面设计,并绘制建筑施工图。结构设计部分,主要采用电算为主、手算为辅的方式,注重概念设计能力培养,具体通过PKPM, 软件建立多层框架计算模型,结合SATWE 模块进行结构内力分析,并在保证结构安全、经济、合理的前提下,对初选的结构布置方案进行优化设计。同时对楼板、次梁、楼梯、一榀框架、基础进行手算设计,以强化基础设计能力,最终完成结构施工图的绘制。35816
Architectural and structural design of Nanjing Sport Institute’s canteen
Abstract: This graduation thesis focuses on the architectural and structural design of a canteen of Nanjing Sport Institute. The building, which adopts the frame structure, has three stories, with a height of 4.2 meter for the first story and 3.9m for the other two. The total architectural area is about 5000 square meters. The thesis consists of two parts: architectural design and structural design. Architectural design, which is based on the requirements of assignments, includes several parts in detail, that is, plane design, elevation and section design, and corresponding construction drawing. As for the structural design, professional software-aided design method is mainly used with some manual calculations, emphasizing on training the structural concept design ability. With the help of PKPM and SATWE module, a multi-storey frame model is established and the internal force is analyzed. Given factors such as safety, economy and rationality, the original structural system is optimized. Besides, manual design for a slab, a secondary beam, a frame structure, stairs and foundations are also carried out, training the basic design ability. Finally, the structure shop drawing is completed with AutoCAD.
Key words: reinforced concrete; frame structure; architectural design; structural design; PKPM
目  录
0H1 引言    55H1
1H2 建筑设计    56H2
2H2.1 设计依据    57H2
3H2.2 工程概况    58H2
4H2.3 建筑设计    59H2
5H2.3.1 食堂大厅    60H2
6H2.3.2 卫生间    61H3
7H2.3.3 楼梯    62H3
8H2.4 主要建筑做法    63H3
9H2.4.1 屋盖做法    64H3
10H2.4.2 楼盖做法    65H3
11H2.4.3 外墙面做法    66H3
12H2.5 室外工程    67H4
13H2.5.1 室外台阶做法    68H4
14H2.5.2 室外坡道做法    69H4
15H2.5.3 散水做法    70H4
16H2.5.4 其它    71H4
17H2.6 门窗工程    72H4
18H2.7 建筑施工图    73H4
19H3 结构设计    74H7
20H3.1 结构设计说明及设计资料    75H7
21H3.1.1 设计依据    76H7
22H3.1.2 自然条件    77H7
23H3.1.3活荷载标准值    78H7
24H3.1.4 地质条件    79H7
25H3.1.5 主要结构材料    80H8
26H3.2 结构选型和布置    81H8
27H3.2.1 结构方案的选择    82H8
28H3.2.2 结构平面布置    83H8
29H3.2.3 板、梁、柱截面形式和尺寸估算    84H8
30H3.3荷载计算    85H10 南京市体校三层食堂建筑与结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_33941.html