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时间:2019-04-08 11:09来源:毕业论文

Villa design style of the new application
Abstract:The villa, or don't industry, is the dwelling place of the outside to enjoy life, this is the second home, rather than the first place.Nowadays the universal understanding is, in addition to the basic function of the housing "live", mainly reflect the quality of life and enjoy more features of high-level residence, meaning zhongtong for independent hacienda-style home now.
And with concise form to satisfy the people to the space environment that perceptual, instinct and rational demand, this is the international popular design style, concise and lively contracted style.But at the same time, with the development of the city, the environment began to be destroyed, improvement of living standards, people's life quality have a higher level of understanding.Villa life - once the life dream home, but now it is not enough, can't satisfy the rich taste of successful people of high life, they will pay more attention to their own taste and raise your hand is cast sufficient send out the temperament.In the decoration style is not only satisfied with unified fixed style, pay more attention to the villa in the design of novel, both have the trend and depth, should not only have mature wind restoring ancient ways is to have a lively contemporary feeling.
The purpose of this paper is to, from the perspective of the innovation of design concept combined with the present popular design style, to show advantage of the villa design style appropriate persification.Below will be based on different mix class villa design style in the villa were analyzed, and the application in order to blend in different types of design style villa design.
Key words:villa design;Diversification;The design style;Mix class
1引言    6
2别墅的定义及分类    6
2.1 古代别墅   
2.2 现代别墅   
2.3 别墅的分类   
2.3.1 按建筑形式分类
2.3.2 按建筑风格分类
3别墅设计风格的新运用    11
3.1 日式风格
3.1.1 特点
3.1.2 运用案例
3.3.1 特点
3.3.2 运用案例
3.3.1 特点
3.3.2 运用案例
4结语    16
致谢    17
参考文献    17
第1章    引言
现如今从人们生活的方方面面都不难看出,人们的生活水平不断提高,生活方式也随之改变,对生活的质量有了自我个性的定位。别墅生活,也成为了人生梦想的家园。因此,随着生活质量的迅猛提高,普通商品房已不能满足富裕家庭的对购置居所的需求,强烈的追求更高尚更优质的生活方式和质量,远离城市的嘈杂喧闹,淳朴自然的个性却不张扬的别墅生活已成为大多数城市精英的达成的返璞归真的共识。 混搭类别墅设计风格在别墅中的运用+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_31899.html