
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-05-20 21:54来源:95429





Abstract:The vigorous development of Taizhou's economy can not be separated from the successful construction of its port. Excellent port construction project, is a prerequisite for the successful construction of the port, it can provide a stable and safe structure, optimization of project investment for the port construction, but also can exhibit a spirit of innovation, especially in the design concept. The design of port includes: design scheme, design method and design calculation research and determination. It is a process that practice is promoted to theory and guided by theory.

Through the investigation and analysis of the geographical environment of Taizhou port area, this paper obtains the statistical data of meteorology, geology, sea condition and hydrology in this area. The plane dimensions and quantities of wharf berths are determined by the designed ship type, which can preliminarily determine the layout of wharf and the layout of water area and land area of port area. Then, according to the form of wharf, the types of goods transported by wharf and the design ship form, the loading situation of  wharf is determined, and the kinds and quantities of loading and unloading machinery are determined. Then through the combination of load effect to calculate the structure form of wharf and size, then the preliminary scheme for anti sliding and anti overturning stability checking and checking of bearing capacity, then calculate each part of the structure reinforcement. Finally, it is possible to develop wharf ancillary facilities, including fenders, mooring equipment, wheel guards and so on. The initial completion of the Taizhou City, the 20000 ton buttress type bulk cargo wharf design report book.

The design results of this paper meet the port design specifications, the design drawings and design data provided are more accurate and complete, and have certain reference value and guiding significance for the construction of Taizhou port.

Keywords:Taizhouport, gravitywharf, portdesign, counterforted


第一章绪论 1

第二章设计资料及设计船型 2

2.1自然条件 2

2.2水文 3

2.3设计船型 4

2.4地震 4

第三章结构方案的拟定 泰州市20000吨扶壁式散货船码头设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203917.html
