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时间:2018-05-24 22:37来源:毕业论文

摘要上海交通大学教师公寓位于上海交通大学闵行校区内,为五层现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,公寓楼总建筑面积为3463.2m²,建筑高度16.7m(从室外地坪到屋面檐口)。本工程建筑耐久等级为二级,耐久年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为7度。该教学楼主体结构采用钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构,柱网尺寸为4.2m×7.2m、2.1m×7.2m、3.3m×7.2m、5.4 m×7.2m、4.2m×3.6m、2.1m×3.6m、3.3m×3.6m、5.4m×3.6m、4.2m×6.0m、2.1m×6.0m、3.3m×6.0m,总长度为56.4m,总宽度为15m,占地面积为695平方米左右。梁、柱构件通过节点连接形成骨架结构,由梁、柱承受竖向和水平荷载,剪力墙承受水平荷载,中间隔墙仅起文护作用。由于底层及各标准层每层的层高相同,楼梯的踏步数均为9个,每层的楼梯的踏步高为166.7mm,踏步宽为300mm。楼梯的梯段宽为1.54m,可以同时两人行走,中间休息平台宽为1.0m,扶手的高度为0.9m,宽度为60mm。考虑学校环境和居住氛围,应符合城市规划布局的要求,总平面布置宜进行环境及绿化设计,充分利用场地,合理划分功能分区。一层主要布置教师房间、大厅、值班室、及公共卫生间。二至四层主要布置教师房间、健身房。五层主要布置教师房间、会议室。另电梯布置在公寓中间位置,公寓两侧各部有消防楼梯。每层设有储藏室、开水房及配电房各一间。该教学楼主体结构采用钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构。基础采用柱下独立承台桩基础。在立面设计中,主要强调建筑的简洁、朴实和亲和的特点,建筑形体采用长方形造型,不追求复杂的装饰。考虑到公寓楼对消防、管理、使用,交通设施等诸多多方面的综合要求,在设计本建筑的交通组织方面特作了适当的考虑。该建筑选择了良好的朝向和自然通风,保持室内有良好的空气质量。在结构设计中,被工程在施工中采用后浇带,以免裂缝的产生。结构施工图中清楚有条理的反应了施工情况。柱的截面尺寸符合轴压比,梁的截面尺寸满足跨度的需要。23312
毕业论文关键词: 公寓楼;  框架;  建筑设计; 结构设计。
The Architectural and Structure Design of the teachers apartment of shanghai jiaotong University. Its construction area is 3463.2m², 16.7m high. The engineering and construction durability rating of two, durable life of 50 years, the seismic intensity is 7 degrees. The main structure of the classroom building of reinforced concrete cast wall structure, the main column net size of 4.2m×7.2m、2.1m×7.2m、3.3m×7.2m、5.4 m×7.2m、4.2m×3.6m、2.1m×3.6m、3.3m×3.6m、5.4m×3.6m、4.2m×6.0m、2.1m×6.0m、3.3m×6.0m, total length for the 56.4m, the total width of 15m, an area of 695 square meters or so. Because the bottom layer of each of the story and the same standard, the number of stairs are 9 stepping, stepping on each floor of the staircase height of 165mm, stepping width 300mm. Bench width of staircase 1.54m, they can permit 2 persons walking abreast, a break of platform width 1.0m, height of the handrail 0.9m, a width of 60mm. Consider the school environment and living atmosphere, shall comply with the requirements of urban planning layout, general layout should be the environment and green design, and make full use of the site, a reasonable pision of functions partition. The main floor layout between the teachers' room, hall, duty, and public health. Two to four main layout of the teachers' room, gym. The five-story main layout of the teachers' room, conference room. Another elevator layout in the apartment the middle of the fire stairs in the apartments on both sides of the ministries. Each layer has a storage room, boiled water room and power distribution room. It takes Frame - shear wall structure of Reinforced Concrete. The basis of independent contractors under the table by column piles. The design of the facade, the main emphasis on building simple, simple and affinity characteristics of architectural form with a rectangular shape, not the pursuit of complex decoration.Taking into account scientific research building on fire, management, use, transport facilities, and many other aspects of the comprehensive requirements of the traffic in the design of the building made the appropriate organization of special consideration.The building chosen a good orientation and natural ventilation to maintain good indoor air quality.In  the construction design, the main mind is the simpler designing, the better feeling people have. 上海大学图书馆建筑与结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_16319.html