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时间:2021-08-23 19:45来源:毕业论文



Abstract Luminescent materials doped with rare earth fluoride are one of the highest luminous efficiency of the light emitting material at present, and thanks to its advantages such as low phonon energy, non-toxic, low-cost and high luminous efficiency, which make these materials became a research focus on the light emitting material in the field of international. This paper has been prepared gadolinium trifluoride doped with erbium ions by hydrothermal synthesis. The test results of the X-ray powder diffraction show that there are no impurities in the material prepared for the pure phase of gadolinium trifluoride, and it also show that erbium-doped ions did not destroy the crystal structure of gadolinium trifluoride. Luminescent properties of composite materials which we made was determined by fluorescence spectrometer, the result show that the material excited by 980nm laser exhibiting upconversion luminescence properties, and we explore and study its level structure and emitting mechanism.

Keyword:  rare-earth;fluorides;preparation;luminescence

目    录

1引言 4

1.1什么是稀土发光材料? 4

1.2稀土掺杂氟化物的优点 4

1.3稀土掺杂氟化物发光材料的常见制备方法 4

1.3.1水热/溶剂热法 4

1.3.2微乳液法 5

1.4稀土氟化物的上转换光学性能 5

1.4.1上转换发光机理 5

1.4.2稀土氟化物纳米颗粒的上转换光学性能 5

1.5稀土掺杂复合氟化物纳米晶的荧光特性 5

1.5.1发射谱带宽化 5

1.5.2光谱蓝移或红移 6

2实验部分 6

2.1实验思路 6

2.2实验所用试剂和仪器 6

2.3样品的制备 6

2.4产物的性质 6

2.5小结 8

3实验结论 8

3.1关于实验过程及结果的总结 8

3.2稀土掺杂氟化物发光材料的发展与展望 8

参考文献 9


我国的稀土资源储量大、分布广、品种全,是世界第一稀土资源大国;我国稀土资源在全国22个省区广泛分布,基础储量约8900万吨(以稀土氧化物计),资源量约6780万吨,约占世界55%;现在,我国已是世界最大的稀土生产国、出口国以及其应用消费国[1]。然而,在稀土新材料的开发和应用方面,我国比起发达国家稍显不足。因此,对于稀土精细加工、以及在稀土功能材料方面展开研究,这在当下的中国具有独特的意义。作为中国化学化工在本世纪的几个重大课题的其中之一,稀土功能材料的研究的重要性是不可忽视的;而稀土发光材料方面的研究则将会是稀土功能材料研究的一个主攻方向。 稀土掺杂氟化物发光材料的制备和性质研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_80729.html
