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时间:2019-03-02 14:20来源:毕业论文

关键词  激光打孔  有限元法  激光能量
Title    The numerical simulation of millisecond laser  drilling process                                
Production field of laser drilling is now widely used technology.The punch speed, high efficiency,simple operation.Laser drilling in this paper is mainly used in aerospace plane on the turbine blades,metal aluminum as the research object,based on the theory of heat transfer and fluid mechanics,millisecond laser perforation physical model is established.Finite element numerical method to simulate millisecond laser drilling of aluminum metal temperature and flow field,thermal gap enthalpy method was used to simulate the aluminum solid liquid phase change process,it is concluded that different energy irradiation and light spot radius, the distribution of transient temperature field and the figure and the relationship between the flow velocity changes over time.Change the laser energy is calculated, the laser parameters on the influence of pore morphology,summed up the optimum parameters of the laser drilling,provide a reference for the optimization of actual drilling.
Keywords  Laser drilling  The finite element method  Laser power
目   次
1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
1.2  课题研究目的及意义    1
1.3  激光打孔    2
1.3.1  激光    2
1.3.2  激光打孔原理    2
1.3.3 激光打孔特点    3
1.4  激光打孔技术发展状况    4
1.4.1  激光打孔技术发展现状    4
1.4.2  激光打孔技术发展趋势    4
1.5  本论文研究的主要内容    5
2  模拟方法    6
2.1  有限元法介绍    6
2.2  COMSOL软件介绍    6
2.3  COMSOL建模过程    7
3  数值模拟结果及分析    9
3.1  温度场模拟结果    9
3.2  速度场模拟结果    15
3.3  熔融物迁移    17
3.4  数值模拟与实验对比    18
结  论    20
致  谢    21
1  绪论
激光束之所以能够在材料表面打孔是因为激光带有能量,当照射在材料表面时激光与材料内的物质发生相互作用从而产生小孔。随着科技发展,对打孔的性能要求越来越高,发展也会更加多样化。激光打孔加工技术广泛用于众多工业加工工艺中,很容易加工各类形状复杂、硬度大的材料[3]。目前国内激光打孔参数主要是实验所得,而建立激光打孔数学模型能对优化参数和提高效率提供重要贡献。 毫秒激光打孔过程的数值模拟:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_30694.html