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时间:2022-11-20 20:09来源:毕业论文

摘要在现代工业中,焊接技术在重型机械、汽车制造、石油管道、压力容器等领域得到广泛应用,焊接技术早已成为各大工业的必不可缺的核心技术。焊接结构的质量是保证推动焊接技术不断发展、应用领域不断扩展的关键。相关研究表明,影响焊接结构服役安全及其可靠性的因素众多,而焊接应力是其关键甚至决定性因素,焊接结构的质量是保证推动焊接技术不断发展、应用领域不断扩展的关键。 86176




Abstract In modern industry, welding technology has been widely applied in the field of heavy machinery, automobile manufacturing, oil pipelines, pressure vessels, welding technology has become indispensable core technology of major industry。 Quality assurance of welded structures is crucial to promote the continuous development of welding technology, expanding applications。 Research shows that many factors affect the welding service safety and reliability of the structure, and even welding stress is a key factor in determining the quality of welded structures is the key to promote the continuous development of welding technology, expanding applications of assurance, for domestic and foreign welding stress evaluation techniques carried out extensive research。

In view of this, in this paper, 304L steel, for example for the technical evaluation of ultrasonic welding stress were studied by creating stress-between the signal time difference of relations between stress nondestructive evaluation, and thus inter-signal time difference calculations for stress evaluation of the accuracy on the obvious is extremely important。 This paper uses cross-correlation function to calculate the impact time difference between signals, discussed the cross-correlation step, select the starting signal for the time difference between the signal calculation accuracy。

The results show that the farther away from the weld location, the ultrasonic signal waveform smoother, the greater the signal to noise ratio, analysts believe that this is the result of the sample microstructure caused by weld position tissue interface more irregular organization, thus ultrasonic signal waveform distortion significantly。 With the cross-correlation step increases, the cross-correlation function curve gradually stabilized, the maximum cross-correlation function is gradually becoming more apparent, when the cross-correlation step of 1 cycle, and then with each other a long step increases related to cross-correlation function curve and the maximum cross-correlation function substantially coincide。 Cross-correlation step looks the same time, the signal zero-crossing signal is the starting point to calculate the time difference between signals better results, the farther the distance with the weld location, the time difference between its signal remained stable, but slight ups and downs, the location near the weld area signal significantly greater than the time difference between a position away from the weld between the signal time difference between the signal time difference weld center reaches a maximum that stress reaches the maximum value, which is consistent with the theoretical results。 The above analysis results that can be achieved using the method of this study stress ultrasonic welding stainless steel technology assessment。 304L不锈钢T型接头焊接应力的超声波技术评价:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_102284.html
