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更新时间:2016-10-25:  来源:毕业论文

吉利汽车集团国际化战略分析 摘要:近十年来,中国汽车业经历了一轮蓬勃发展。随着国内市场的日渐饱和,各国内汽车企业生产规模的不断扩大,中国汽车企业走国际化发展道路也成为必然趋势。
关键字: 吉利汽车;国际化战略;营销策略
The Analysis of Geely’s Internationalization Strategy
Abstract: In recent ten years, China auto industry has experienced a flourishing development. With the increasing saturation in domestic marketing, the expansion of each auto companies, the road to globalization is an essential way to keep the further development of those companies.
Geely Auto, which represents Chinese auto industry, is valuable to be taken as an example to analysis. By means of the related academic theory of globalization and marketing management, we can make some conclusion of the Geely’s global strategy. To the various oversees marketing, Geely has also different marketing strategy to meet the needs of the people live in each part of the world.
Through the analysis, we can easily see that the advantage of using “Product localization”; and to the long term development, the brand and R&D are the key points to keeping the competition ability of the company. Although the Acquisition is maybe a shortcut of achieving the target of globalization, but it also contains the risk. With the import of technology, brand and management, the Resource integration is also a big problem with which the company faced.
To the lots of Chinese enterprises, which started development later than the overseas company, are continually to step into the global marketing. By analyzing Geely’s internationalization strategy, we can learn the experience from this case, and help these enterprises to better, faster achieve the globalization.
Key words: Geely Auto; Internationalization strategy; Marketing strategy

一、引言 - 1 -
(一)研究背景 - 1 -
(二)研究意义 - 2 -
(三)研究思路与框架 - 3 -
二、中国企业的国际化战略 - 4 -
(一)FDI模式 - 4 -
(二)OEM模式 - 5 -
三、吉利汽车的国际化发展概述 - 6 -
(一)企业背景 - 6 -
(二)吉利海外出口数据 - 6 -
(三)吉利集团的国际化路程 - 7 -
1.资本扩张 - 7 -
2.市场开拓 - 7 -
3.合作收购 - 8 -
四、吉利汽车的国际化营销战略分析 - 9 -
(一)吉利基于波特五力模型的环境分析 - 9 -
1.供应商的议价能力 - 9 -
2.购买者的议价能力 - 9 -
3.潜在竞争者进入的能力 - 10 -
4.替代品的替代能力 - 10 -
5.行业内现有竞争者的竞争能力 - 10 -
6.波特五力模型的第优力 - 11 -
(二)吉利汽车STP战略分析 - 11 -
1.市场细分(Segmenting) - 11 -
2.选择目标市场(Targeting) - 12 -
3.产品定位(Positioning) - 13 -
(三)吉利汽车SWOT矩阵分析 - 14 -
五、吉利汽车国际化战略结论与建议 - 15 -
(一)品牌战略 - 15 -
1.多元化的宣传策略 - 15 -
2.优质的服务策略 - 16 -
3.收购合作带来的品牌关联效应 - 16 -
(二)资源整合 - 16 -
1.市场资源整合 - 16 -
2.文化冲突整合 - 17 -
3.成本优势整合 - 17 -
结束语 - 18 -
致谢 - 19 -
参考文献 - 20 -3497

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