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时间:2022-08-27 11:48来源:毕业论文

摘要随着社会的不断发展,人们对塑料产品的需求越来越大,也越来越多样化。为了满 足社会需求,计算机控制技术的引入,使得塑料生产实现自动控制,从而提高了挤出设 备运行时的稳定性和可靠性,实现挤出机控制系统自动化。83506

本论文分析了塑料挤出工艺及原理,研究了挤出机电机驱动原理,在此基础上设计 了塑料挤出机电机驱动控制系统。此控制系统是基于 S7-200 系列可编程控制器、计算 机和云联仿真的基础上,实现对塑料挤出机电机驱动转速的自动控制。本论文电机驱动 控制设计是采用直流调速和变频调速控制技术,同时结合实际生产中存在的问题,在 PLC 编译中,使用了斜坡调速控制算法和点动调速,并且设计了监控报警系统,确保驱 动安全稳定进行。最后,对控制系统每一步进行数据处理和采集进行云联 PLC 仿真,并 实现对控制系统的监控。

本设计通过分析控制要求,对各个情况,结合电动设计和斜坡设计,进行分类处理, 不仅能使系统能够更平稳运行,还能避免对塑料挤出机造成硬件上的损害。


Abstract With the continuous development of society, the demand for plastic products is increasing, more and more persified。 In order to meet the needs of the community, the introduction of computer control technology, making the production of plastic to achieve automatic  control, so as to improve the extrusion equipment running stability and reliability and realize automation of extruder control system。

This paper analyzes the plastic extrusion process and the principle of the extruder motor drive principle, on this basis, the design of the plastic extruder motor drive control system。 This control system is based on the S7-200 series programmable logic controller,  the computer and the cloud union simulation, realizes the automatic control of the motor drive speed of the plastic extruder。 The motor drive control design is the DC speed control and variable frequency speed regulation control technology, combined with problems existing in the actual production, in compile PLC, using the ramp speed control algorithm and dynamic control, and the design of the monitor and alarm system, to ensure the driving safety and stability of。 At last, data processing and data acquisition of the control system are carried out in the PLC simulation, and the control system of the control system is realized。

This design through the analysis of control requirements, for each situation, in the light of the electric design and slope design, classification processing, not only  to enable the  system to run more stable, but also to avoid the plastic extruder cause hardware damage。

Keywords:extruder, drive control,PLC

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究的目的和意义 1

1。2 挤出机的现代化 1

1。2。1 模块化和专业化 1

1。2。2 高效和多功能化 1

1。2。3 大型化和精密化 1

1。2。4 智能化和网络 2

1。3 国外的发展现状 2

1。4 我国的发展现状 3

1。5 本文主要研究内容 4

1。6 本章小结 4

第二章 塑料挤出工艺 5

2。1 挤出机成型原理 PLC塑料挤出机的电机驱动控制设计+程序+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_98475.html
