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时间:2022-08-21 19:43来源:毕业论文

摘要随着科技的不断发展,人们越来越追求智能化的生活方式。移动机器人的研究 走进了专家们的视野。而两轮自平衡小车拥有着体积小、动作敏捷等特点,更是吸 引了研究人员的目光。我们可以多次看到在地震灾区,消防人员利用自平衡小车为 被困的人提供补给品,实际应用的空间很大,市场广泛。83389

本次设计在浏览两轮自平衡小车的历史和设计方法后,总结出一套适合自己现 阶段学习和研究的设计方案。对小车的外部结构进行了合理的规划,将各个模块有 序的安装在一块 PCB 板上,使小车的外观精致。在兼顾小车的稳定和可以爬坡的方 面,我们放弃了超声测距的方案,采用陀螺仪和加速度传感器模块,直接测量小车 在运动时的倾斜角度和电机运转速度,传感器将数据传给控制器后,控制器会做出 反应,发出相应的指令调整小车的状态。在这过程中,由于电磁干扰可以通过耦合 通道影响到敏感器件,破坏小车的稳定性,因此必须采取相应的方法消除或降低干 扰。我很使用卡尔曼互补滤波算法,融合陀螺仪和加速度传感器的数据,降低积分 误差,提高稳定性。

整个设计完成后,各个模块能够协调运行,小车能独立的实现自主平衡,在遇 到适当干扰时,系统也会做出调整,迅速恢复小车的平衡车。另外,还可以通过蓝 牙进行远程操控,做到稳定行驶,零半径转弯,爬坡等。


Abstract As technology advances, people are increasingly seeking intelligent life。 Research into the mobile robot vision experts。 The self-balancing robot has a small, agile, etc。, is attracting the attention of researchers。 We can see many times in the earthquake area, firefighters with self-balanced vehicle provides supplies for the trapped people, the practical application of a large space, a wide range of markets。

The design in the browser history and since the two balanced car design methods, summed up the design stage set for their study and research。 The external structure of the car for a reasonable plan, ordered the various modules mounted on a PCB board to make the car look elegant。 In terms of both the car stable and climbing, we gave up ultrasonic ranging program, using gyroscopes and acceleration sensor module, direct measurement of the car is in motion and the tilt angle of the motor operating speed, the sensor data to the controller , the controller will respond by issuing the appropriate instructions to adjust the status of the car。 In this process, due to electromagnetic interference can influence the passage through the coupling to sensitive devices, undermine the stability of the car, it must take the appropriate way to eliminate or reduce interference。 I am using a Kalman filter algorithm complementary fusion gyroscope and accelerometer data, reduce integration errors and improve stability。

After the completion of the entire design, each module can be coordinated operation, the car can be balanced to achieve self-independent, in the face of interference when appropriate, the system will make adjustments quickly to restore the balance of the car vehicle。 In addition, it can also be remotely controlled via Bluetooth, achieve  stability with zero turning radius, climbing and so on。


Two rounds of self balanced car; The gyroscope; Accelerometer;Complementary filter

目 录

第一章 1

1。1 两轮自平衡小车的研究意义 1

1。2 两轮自平衡小车的发展历程和现状 1

1。2。1 国外的研究成果 模糊控制的两轮自平衡小车设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_98307.html
