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时间:2022-08-03 23:05来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  PM2。5监测   移动式   实时性   GPRS   LPC2366


Title    Research and development of mobile PM2。5 monitor   

Abstract PM2。5 has an important impact on people's daily life and health, the current monitoring methods of PM2。5 are mainly fixed-point monitoring methods, which are not real-time。 With the rapid development of embedded technology and network communication technology, it is possible for mobile monitoring of PM2。5 and real-time data transmission。

In order to realize mobile and real-time measurement of PM2。5 concentration in the urban road network, the embedded technology and wireless communication technology are used to realize the development of the mobile PM2。5 monitoring equipment。 It is developed based on the LPC2366, and achieves mobile PM2。5 concentration monitoring and real-time data transmission。 The mobile PM2。5 monitoring equipment, realizes the real-time monitoring of PM2。5 concentration。 Both information of location and time are transmitted through GPRS network wirelessly。 It ensures the real-time of data, and determines the PM2。5 concentration within the road network。 The data collected provides some environmental data support for residents' travel planning。

Keywords  PM2。5 monitoring   mobile   real-time   GPRS   LPC2366

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1  选题背景及意义 1

1。2  PM2。5危害及监测现状 1

1。3  研究设计思路 2

1。4  本文主要内容及安排 3

系统总体架构 4

2。1  系统组成 4

2。2  系统硬件设计方案 4

2。3  系统软件设计方案 5

3  系统硬件设计 6

3。1  嵌入式系统概述 6

3。2  ARM微控制器 7

3。3  电源模块电路设计 10

3。4  复位与时钟电路设计 12

3。5  GPS/北斗模块电路设计 12

3。6  GPRS模块电路设计 14

3。7  PM2。5检测模块电路设计 17

3。8  JTAG调试接口电路设计 20

4  系统软件设计 21

4。1  GPS数据处理程序设计 LPC2366移动式城市PM2.5数据监测设备研发:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_97432.html
