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时间:2022-05-16 23:06来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: AT89C51单片机;ISD4004语音芯片;LCD12864显示屏;DS1302时钟

The Bus stops are designed based on proteus

Abstract:In the warm and harmonious social life, we will use the bus travel, it is essential to the survival of traffic in the north of Guangzhou。 Although these very advanced technology, bus are intelligent, but in many small areas or like Guizhou has a lot of artificial bus station, it is not convenient, consumption in order to reduce the consumption of manpower, resources, the area more staff。 The modernization of one of the ways this design is put forward, with 51 points as the center of the voice chip can automatically sound, and use the key button to a method of automatic station bus voice。 With a reset circuit hardware design includes all of the key。 Disk circuit, memory expansion circuit module display driver circuit, display circuit, display drive circuit。 The design improves the many aspects of the bus。 Including precision, dependence and durability。 To enhance the quality of service in all aspects of the public transport system, improve the bus system。

KeyWords:  AT89S51 MCU; ISD4004 voice chip; LCD12864 display; DS1302 clock


1 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究的目的及意义 1

1。2 国内外研究状况与水平 2

1。3 发展趋势 2

1。4 设计的主要任务 3

2 系统的硬件设计和方案对比选择 3

2。1系统设计结构图 3

2。2 对于方案的对比选择 3

2。2。1 选用微控制器的方案对比选择 4

2。2。2 LCD液晶显示模块的方案对比选择 4

2。2。3 语音芯片的方案对比选择 5

2。2。4.实时时钟电路的方案对比选择 5

2。2。5 控制方式方案选择 6

3系统的硬件设计电路及元件说明 6

3。1 AT89C51单片机芯片 6

3。1。1 AT89C51的引脚说明 7

3。2 LCD液晶显示屏 8

3。3 语音芯片 9

3。3。1 ISD4004引脚的说明 10

3。3。2 ISD4004的操作模式说明 11

3。4扬声器喇叭 12

3。5按键控制 13

3。6实时时钟电路 13

3。7温度传感模块 AT89C51单片机公交车报站器设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_93963.html
