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时间:2022-03-18 20:30来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Image matching technology is a key technology of computer vision and in the field of image processing。 Image matching is the same scene at different time, in different imaging conditions, through the same or different sensors to get on the space of a few image matching。 SIFT algorithm is a local feature algorithm based on scale space。 It is invariant to brightness, scaling and rotation changes。 In order to improve the accuracy of matching, the image should be pre processed before the image matching。 This paper studied the image pre-processing by the image smoothing and image enhancement。 In this paper, the image matching technology which was based on SIFT algorithm was studied in detail。 Firstly, this article explained the theory of scale space。 Then the image preprocessing was studied by experiment。 Finally this article stated the SIFT feature extraction process, and the experiment analyzed the feature matching。 The results of the experiment shows that SIFT algorithm can match images quickly and accurately in the scaling, brightness and perspective。

Keywords: image matching, SIFT algorithm, feature extraction ,scale space, pre processed


1 绪论 4

1。1  背景及意义 4

1。2  研究现状 4

1。3  本文的主要内容和结构 5

2  图像匹配技术 5

2。1  图像匹配的定义 5

2。2  图像匹配的流程和关键要素 5

2。3  图像匹配方法的分类 7

3  尺度空间理论 8

3。1  尺度空间概述 8

3。2  高斯尺度空间 9

4  图像预处理 9

4。1  图像平滑 9

4。2  图像增强 12

5  基于尺度不变特征变换的图像匹配算法 14

5。1  SIFT算法基本概念 14

5。2  SIFT算法的实现步骤概述 14

5。3  SIFT特征向量的生成 15

5。4  SIFT特征向量的匹配 19

6  实验结果及分析 20

6。1  SIFT特征提取实验结果 20

6。2  特征匹配实验结果 SIFT算法的图像匹配研究+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_91211.html
