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时间:2022-02-21 23:46来源:毕业论文




Abstract: In the development of high- voltage power supply,switching power supply technology enables the introduction of high- voltage power supply volume,weight, decreasing power density continues to improve, becoming more digitized,gradually replacing the traditional frequency high voltage power supply 。This article describes the phase-shifted full-bridge ZVS-PWM inverter technology in the application of high voltage power supply is designed to achieve soft switching high voltage switching power supply。

This article is designed based on IGBT high-power switching power supply。 The text introduces the history and development status of switching power supply, the future development and the meaning of this article。 Depending on the overall structure of the switching power supply, each unit circuit has been introduced。 This design of high-power switching power supply with single-phase structure BOOST active power factor correction circuit, the main circuit using full-bridge converter and UC3875 phase-shift quasi-resonant converter control IC has been used in control circuit。 

Keyword: phase-shifted control, IGBT, UC3875


1  绪论 4

1。1  开关电源的背景及意义 4

1。2  开关电源的发展方向 5

1。3  论文完成的主要工作 6

2 大功率开关电源的整体结构设计 6

2。1  开关电源的方案选择 7

2。2  主电路所用器件IGBT 8

2。3  主电路全桥变换器的结构组成 9

2。4  全桥变换器的工作原理 10

2。5  高频变压器的设计 12

2。6  整流滤波电路的选择 14

3  各单元电路的设计 15

3。1  控制电路的设计 15

3。2  有源功率因数校正 18

3。3  逆变电源的抗干扰 20

3。4  驱动电路 20

3。5  主电路的过电流保护 21

总结 23

参考文献 24

致  谢 25

1  绪论

1。1  开关电源的背景及意义



自从1752年富兰克林通过他的风筝实验,揭示了电的存在后,人们对电的探索与发现便从未止步。1831年,法拉第研制出了第一台发电机,让人们对电的应用成为现实。数百年来,电能改变了人类的生活方式,人们也不断地探索着新的高效利用电能的新方式。从最开始的线性电源到现在的开关电源,电源已经成为驱动电力设备的心脏,也成为了托起人类现代文明的支柱。论文网 基于IGBT器件的大功率开关电源设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_90053.html
