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时间:2021-12-12 10:17来源:毕业论文




Abstract:With the rapid development of society, science and technology is also changing with each passing day, the bus has become one of the important means of transportation。 Now the bus station also by the traditional bus station tips gradually to no one ticket, bus station, the Chinese character display transition, which is one of the signs of social progress。

       Bus Chinese character display system with a micro controller as the core, control LED dot matrix display site information through the control of the voice system broadcast site information and some voice information。 STC89C52RC micro controller as the CPU for total control, voice circuit that passenger information, LED display screen prompts you site information, reduce the number of bus hire conductor, saving labor, when many people, but also more convenient。 The entire system is written in C language software design, so that people can be easily modified。

Key words: STC89C52RC MCU, LED , ISD4004

目  录

1。绪论 3

1。1 概述 3

1。2 目的及意义 3

2。总体设计 4

2。1 方案论证 4

2。2 电路原理的总体设计 5

3。硬件设计 6

3。1 硬件组成 6

3。2 相关芯片介绍 6

3。3 硬件各部分设计 14

4 软件设计 17

4。1 主程序设计 17

4。2 软件各模块设计 18

5 系统调试 23

5。1调试软件 23

5。2 软件程序测试 23

5。3 系统电路功能仿真 24

5。4 Keil与Proteus对系统联调 25

结 论 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31


1。1 概述

随着社会的进步和发展,选择乘坐公交车出行的越来越多,一方面公交车票价相比出租车而言相对较低,相比较自己驾车出行又省去了寻找停车场地的麻烦,大多数的上班族、学生都比较乐意乘坐公共汽车出行。但是也有一些不好的地方也同样出现在我们面前,大多数时候,公交车人多拥挤,人多的时候还十分嘈杂,很多人很容易应为没听到到站点报站的声音而错过下车或者应为看不到到哪一站了于是匆忙间提起下车。应为社会发展、科技进步,单片机技术也越来越成熟,了解并弄懂这一项技术也是相当重要的。论文网 STC89C52RC单片机公交车汉字显示系统设计+源代码+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_86318.html
