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时间:2021-11-29 21:30来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词:列车接近报警  单片机应用  无线通信技术  传感器

Design of Train Approaching Warning Equipment in Railway Maintenance

Abstract With the speeding-up of the national railway,the increase of traffic density and the climate change,personnel and equipment will be seriously threatened when the technician carry out the construction and maintenance of railway lines。 During the construction of crossing roads,bridge and tunnel,it is of great importance to guarantee the timely transmission of alarm signal for evacuation of personnel and equipment when the train is about to arrive in time。

The title of the design is the warning equipment for approaching train on the railway maintenance spot。This equipment transmits and receive signal or command by the technology of wireless transmission,based on the single chip microcomputer。 The device is composed of a signal acquisition module,an extension control module,a host control module,a wireless communication module and a power module。When the train passes and incises the magnetic induction line of the electromagnetic sensor,the filtering system can eliminate the interference signal and send the filtered signal to the control unit。The alarm signal is sent to the host control module through the wireless communication module after judging the alarm signal by the extension control unit。The host receives the instruction through the monolithic integrated circuit processing。Then it causes the sound and light alarm equipment to work to guarantee the construction site personnel safety。 

Firstly this paper determines the overall design of the alarm equipment,followed by design from the hardware and software in two parts。Finally this paper gives the design of the hardware circuit diagram and relevant software。 

This paper has 29 figures,4 tables and 20 references。

Key Words:Alarm of approaching train  Application of single chip microcomputer  Wireless communication technology  Sensor

目   录

摘要 I

Abstract II

图清单 IV

表清单 IV

变量注释表 V

1 绪论 1

1。1问题的提出 1

1。2国内外研究现状 1

1。3研究的目的和意义 单片机铁路维修现场列车接近警示设备设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_85641.html
