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时间:2021-11-07 15:22来源:毕业论文

摘要随着人们生活水平和旅游业的大力发展,越来越少的年轻人愿意从事导游工 作,这个时候就需要一种智能电子产品来代替人类的工作。

语言是人类特有的功能,是人们思维最重要的寄托体,是人类交流最主要的 途径。语音是语言的声学表现,是人类交流信息最自然、最有效、最方便的手段。 语言和语音与人类社会科学文化发展紧密相连。语音识别技术是让机器接收,识 别和理解语音信号,并将其转换成相应的数字信号的技术。73930

导游在介绍博物馆展台的时候大多数都是在重复讲解,为了节约劳动力,本 文设计了基于语音识别的讲解机,整个系统是以STC89C52单片机作为系统的核心 处理器,语音识别采用的LD3320语音识别芯片和其他外部电路设计而成。本设计 采用语音识别技术有很多好处,首先是可以自动的识别旅游者参观的展台,其次 还可以帮助参观者根据自己的爱好挑选喜欢的展台,这样的好处是可以避免顾客 聚集在一起,防止事故的发生。博物馆讲解机相比较于导游还有很多其他的优点: 它的体积比较小,功能比较多,互动性和智能化很好,可以代替人员进行解说。

该论文有图 7 幅,表 1 个,参考文献 14 篇。

毕业论文关键词:语音识别 LD3320 STC89C52 博物馆

The design of speech recognition-based museum explain machine

Abstract With the development of people’s living standard and tourism, few young people are willing to work in guide, now we need a intelligent electronic products to replace human work。

Language is human’s peculiar feature。 The most important is that people thinking of sustenance body, it is the most important way of human communication。 Speech is the expression of the language, the exchange of information is the most natural human, most effective and convenient means。 Speech and scientific and cultural development of human society are closely linked。 Speech recognition technology is to allow the machine to receive, identify and understand the speech signal and converts it into a corresponding digital signal technology。

There is some repetition when the tour guide introduces museum exhibition, in order to save labour。 This article design a machine based on the interpretation of speech recognition。 The whole system is STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the core process system。 Speech recognition using LD3320 Speech recognition chip and external circuit。 This design adopts the speech recognition technology has many advantages。First, it can automatically identify the tourists to visit the booth,second it also can help visitors choose booth according to their own hobby。the benefits is  to avoid  customer  together  and  prevent  accidents。compared  with  the  guide, museum

explains machine has many other advantages: it’s body is very small, more function,

interactive and intelligent is very good。

The papers Figure 7, Table 1, 14 references。

Key Words: Speech recognition LD3320 STC89C52 Museum

目 录


Abstract Ⅱ



图清单 V

表清单 V

1 绪论 1

1。1 论文研究背景及意义 1

1。2 国内外发展现状 STC89C52单片机语音识别的博物馆讲解机设计+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_84358.html
