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时间:2021-11-05 21:20来源:毕业论文

摘要采暖是人们不可或缺的需求,生活中的热水器、暖气,工业上的锅炉,都会 用到采暖技术。采暖技术根据应用场合和所要求的性能指标分为很多种。以前大 部分通过煤炭取暖,后期也发展到燃气、电供暖。就目前来说,电采暖相对其他 来说较为安全、方便,价格也不是很高,所以现在电采暖技术较为普遍。73813

设计是一个以单片机为核心,以温度传感器、键盘、液晶显示器、PTC 加热 器、水泵为辅助设计的一个温度控制系统。通过合理选择方案对结构、硬件、软 件进行设计,并对他的控制优化、故障诊断等内容进行研究软件采用的分模块 的方法先写出总程序再写出各部分程序的,最终完成了采暖加热控制系统的设 计。设计在以前采暖技术的基础上实现了用户对采暖的时间和温度的控制,使人 们在采暖时能够根据自己的需要设置相应功能。大大的方便的人们的生活,在实 际应用中具有重大意义。

该论文有图 22 幅,表 5 个,参考文献 20 篇。

毕业论文关键词:采暖加热 单片机控制 液晶显示器 PTC 加热器

Design of heating and heating control system

Abstract Heating is an indispensable demand, the life of the water heater, heating, industrial boiler, will use the heating technology. Heating technology in accordance with the requirements of the application and the performance of the requirements are pided into many kinds.Most of the past through coal heating, the latter also developed to gas, electric heating.For now, the electric heating is relatively safe, convenient, and the price is not very high, so now the electric heating technology is more common.

Design is a microcontroller as the core, with the temperature sensor, keyboard, LCD, PTC heater, water pump for the auxiliary design of a temperature control system.Through the rational selection of schemes on the structure, hardware and software design, and to his control of optimization, study the fault diagnosis, software adopts the module method to write programs to write the various parts of the program, the final completion of the design of the control system of heating.Design based on the previous heating technology to achieve the user's time and temperature of the heating control, so that people in the heating can be based on their own needs to set the appropriate function.Greatly convenient people's lives, in practical application has great significance.

There are 22 figures, 5 tables and 20 references in this paper.

Key Words: Heating Single chip microcomputer control Liquid crystal display PTC heater



Abstract V

目录 VI

图清单 VIII

表清单 IX

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外采暖市场的现状 1

1.3 我国采暖方式的优缺点 2

1.4 设计总体结构 2

2 采暖加热控制系统方案 3

2.1 系统工艺结构 3

2.2 系统控制结构 3

2.3 系统硬件选择 4

2.4 本章小结 单片机采暖加热控制系统设计+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_84180.html
