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时间:2021-07-30 21:48来源:毕业论文

摘要随着能源紧缺以及环境污染问题逐渐恶化,人们开始意识到环保概念的重要 性。然而传统的燃油汽车却愈加使环境恶化,不利于绿色生活的概念,所以研究 出一款既环保又经济的汽车势在必行。69953

本次设计主要是在基于 MATLAB/Simulink 的环境下,对汽车动力系统进行 建模,并仿真分析。具体内容如下:首先介绍了仿真环境以及汽车动力系统的相 关知识,包括仿真环境 MATLAB,汽车动力系统的定义,分类,发动机的布置方 式以及汽车动力系统的基本结构。接着分析了在理论情况下汽车动力系统的运 行,主要包括汽车动力系统运行的工作原理及动力传递顺序,还有对汽车动力系 统进行理论上的参数设计。最后给出了汽车动力系统的数学模型以及仿真结果, 并进行分析总结。

目前,世界汽车结构正在发生重大变革,而汽车动力系统作为汽车发展的关 键技术之一,对推动汽车行业的进步有着非常重大的意义。

该论文有图 29 幅,表 3 个,参考文献 26 篇。

毕业论文关键词: 动力系统 刹车系统 车身与轮胎 仿真分析

Modeling and Simulation Design of Automotive Power System

Abstract With the shortage of energy and environmental pollution, people began to realize the importance of the concept of environmental protection. However, the traditional fuel vehicles are increasingly to make the environment worse, is not conducive to the concept of green life, so the study of a environmentally friendly and economic car is imperative.

This design is mainly based on the MATLAB/Simulink environment, the vehicle dynamic system modeling, and simulation analysis. Specific content as follows:At first,it introduces the simulation environment and the vehicle dynamic systems, including the simulation environment of MATLAB, the definition of automobile power system, classification, arrangement of engine and vehicle power system basic structure. Then it analyzes the operation of automobile power system  in  theory, mainly including the working principle and the power transmission sequence of the automobile power system. Finally, the mathematical model and simulation results are given, and the simulation results are given.

At present, the world international automobile structure is undergoing major changes, and the automobile power system as one of the key technologies of the automobile development, to promote the progress of the automobile industry has a very significant meaning.

This paper has 29 figures, 3 tables, 26 references.

Key word:Dynamic system Brake System Body and tire Simulation analysis


Abstract II

图清单 IV

变量注释表 V

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本论文的主要工作 4

2 相关知识 5

2.1 仿真环境 5

2.2 汽车动力系统的介绍 5

2.3 本章小结 6

3 汽车动力系统运行理论分析 7

3.1 发动机功率的选择 MATLAB汽车动力系统建模与仿真设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_79049.html
