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时间:2021-05-24 21:13来源:毕业论文




Title    Total ferroalloy plant 110KV substation design buck                     



The design according to the steel mills of the relevant information and the actual situation of the plant's total step-down substation and high-voltage power supply system design. The design is first based on information provided by the factory with the needs of the plant load factor method were calculated according to the load capacity of the transformer and the situation on the number of units were selected. Power plant by a substation 110kV double circuit overhead line to lead the overall design choices in the plant set up step-down substation supply voltage of the first voltage drop of the plant 10kV, and then reduced load required by the plant substation voltage. To ensure the reliability of the power supply system, the total step-down substation single busbar type wiring, power supply system using radial factory wiring. Through the system short-circuit current calculation, the design of each major substation electrical equipment, cables and busbars a selection and verification, on a side of the main equipment for the relay setting, while the lightning protection and grounding devices a choice.

Keywords  : 110KV substation, short-circuit current, equipment selection and calibration, relay protection, lightning protection and grounding


1  引言 1

1.1供电设计的一般原则 1

1.2设计的具体内容 1

2  工厂的电力负荷及其计算 2

2.1  车间计算负荷的确定 2

2.3  工厂计算负荷的确定 2

2.4  无功功率补偿及其计算 4

3  降压变电所及变压器的选择 5

3.1  总降压变电所所址的选择 5

3.2  降压变电所形式的选择 6

3.3  厂区供电电压的选择 6

3.4  总降压变电所变压器台数和容量的选择 6

3.5  车间变电所变压器选择 7

4  总降压变电所主接线方案及供电线路的设计 7

4.1  总降压变电所的任务和类型 铁合金企业110KV总降压变电所设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_75500.html
