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时间:2021-04-11 10:30来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  MEMS 磁罗盘 倾角补偿 加速度计 陀螺仪


Title   The Research of Three-dimensional Compass Error  Compensation Algorithm               


A magnetic compass system which based on MEMS technology is introduced.

The system can overcome the various errors which are produced on the actual measurement of the magnetic compass.And the system adds in a dynamic compensation algorithms.The major compensation method for compass is tilt compensation.Firstly,the acceleration sensor is used to measure tilt- angle,and add in the least-squares fitting to reduce the error of the measured angle.Then we use the gyroscopes to make fusion with attitude.The principal means is Kalman filtering,getting roll angle and pitch angle

of the system.And lastly,the compass is compensated.This compensation method has more advantages in the dynamic case.It can guarantees a perfect measurement accuracy of the compass.The experimental data shows that in the case of external acceleration interference,the maximum error before compensation is 270°,and The maximum error after compensation is 2°.

Keywords  MEMS  Compass  Tilt-Compensation  Accelerometer  Gyroscopes 

目 次

1 绪论 1

1.1 国内外研究概况和发展综述 1

1.2 课题背景 1

1.3 本人工作 2

1.4 章节安排 2

2 系统开发环境简介 4

2.1 硬件开发工具 4

2.2  软件平台 4

3  工作原理即误差分析 6

3.1  工作原理 6

3.2  误差分析 7

4  系统硬件设计 9

4.1  系统硬件总体结构 9

4.2  单片机最小系统 9

4.3  三轴磁罗盘模块 12

4.4  加速度计模块 13

4.5  陀螺仪模块 14

4.6  IIC通信 15

4.7  外围电路设计 19

4.8  硬件设计总结 22

5 软件设计 24

5.1  三轴加速度计的采样与补偿 24

5.2  三轴陀螺仪的采样与补偿 27

5.3  加计与陀螺仪数据融合 28

5.4  三轴磁罗盘的采样与补偿 MEMS微机电技术三维磁罗盘误差补偿算法研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_72864.html
