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时间:2021-04-10 21:10来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  CS4000  PLC300  WinCC  比值控制  选择性控制


Title       Auto Selection Control  Based on CS4000       



In modern industrial production,we often meet the problem about the production process which requires two or more of the material flow proportional relationship.Once on the back of imbalance ,It will affecting product quality.So we need ratio control to help us. Meanwhile, for safety  factor, when the material level reaches the warning value,we need level control.so what we need is a auto selelction control system.So the paper main studys ratio and level auto selection system.

The design is based on Zhejiang controlled experimental apparatus CS4000 selective control system .First,through Siemens PLC300 for the controller  completing flow, level control system.Then we complete ratio control system and auto selection control system. Through WinCC configuration software to achieve real-time monitoring of the process,and tuning the parameters of the controller.

Keywords  CS4000  PLC300  WinCC  ratio control  slection  control 

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2  比值控制系统介绍 1

1.3  论文的主要工作及章节安排 4

2  控制系统硬件介绍 6

2.1  PLC300控制器介绍 6

2.2  CS4000实验系统介绍 7

3  STEP7的使用和监控软件的设计 10

3.1  STEP7使用介绍 10

3.2  WinCC监控软件设计 11

3.3  变量的定义和连接 13

4  控制算法介绍 15

4.1  PID算法介绍 15

4.2  增量式PID算法 15

4.3  PID参数整定 16

5  自动选择性控制系统设计 18

5.1  液位单回路控制系统设计 18

5.2  流量单回路控制系统设计 23

5.3  比值控制系统设计 PLC基于CS4000实验装置的选择性控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_72772.html
