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时间:2021-03-03 20:57来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  心率  C语言  传感器  MSP430  低功耗


Title    System of Heart Rate Monitoring Based on MSP430F149                        

Abstract This manual is the presentation and discussion of System of Heart Rate Monitoring Based on MSP430 Microcontroller for this selected graduation design, and this system includes acquisition of heart rate pulse,pulse processing,the timer counting,serial communication units and so on.System of heart rate monitoring is an important application of single chip microcomputer in the field of medical treatment and health. This manual introduces the background and development of MSP430 MCU productions and specifically how to design the heart rate monitoring system based on MSP430 MCU briefly. Heart rate means the number of heart beats in a minute, and heart rate monitoring system is applied to our daily life widely. With a heart rate pulsed digital sensor, this system combines the advantages of MSP430 MCU which has lower power consumption and more simple orders, and it can be programmed by C language by IAR software, in order to realize the function of heart rate monitoring by sensor measurement, SCM processing and display of the host computer.

Keywords  Heart rate  C language  Sensor  MSP430    Lower power consumption 

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 MSP430单片机介绍 2

1.3 心率监测的技术现状 4

1.4 课题可行性分析与传感器选择 6

2 总设计思路 8

3 硬件设计 10

4 软件设计 14

4.1 主程序设计 16

4.2 中断程序设计 17

4.3 定时器初始化 19

4.4 时钟模块初始化 20

4.5 串口通信程序 20

5 调试及数据采集 23

5.1 调试 23

5.2 数据采集处理 23

结论 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

附录A 整体程序 29 

 1 绪论

1.1 课题背景

    心率是用来描述心动周期的专业术语,是指心脏每分钟跳动的次数,以第一声音为准。现代汉语将心率解释为“心脏跳动的频率”。频率就是在单位时间内,某件事情发生的次数。两种解释合起来就是,心脏在一定时间内跳动的次数,也就是在一定时间内,心脏跳动快慢的意思。它是反映心脏是否正常工作的一个重要参数,同时心率值也是衡量体力劳动强度和脑力劳动强度的重要指标[1]。 MSP430单片机心率监测系统设计+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_70740.html
