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时间:2021-02-27 21:19来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  分散型控制系统  力控  水箱液位  温度


Title   The Applications of DCS on the Thermal Process Device                     


Since the 1970s, the launch has released a variety of domestic and abroad microprocessor as the core, control and operation of centralized decentralized distributed control systems. Thermal Process Applications in distributed control system is also imperative.In the thermal process, temperature and liquid level control objects are very common. Select the adjustment device, measuring instruments, etc.,Structures including boiler water temperature and water level as controlled amount of thermal and other devices via RS-485 serial communication protocol to connect thermal devices and industrial computer. Based power control system configuration software to create flow chart picture, trend curve screen, alarm screen, etc., to generate the appropriate control strategies to achieve the water level and boiler temperature control.

Keywords  DCS  ForceControl  Level  Temperature

1 绪论 1

1.1 DCS的现状与发展 1

1.2 课题研究的背景与意义 3

1.3 论文涉及的主要工作 5

2 DCS的构成和结构 6

2.1 总体结构关系 6

2.2 DCS系统总体功能设计 7

2.3 软件结构体系 7

3 硬件设计 9

3.1 热工对象装置 9

3.2 I/O设备清单 12

3.3 硬件系统结构图 12

3.4 成本分析 13

4 控制系统软件设计 14

4.1 软件设计的要求 14

4.2 力控组态软件的引入 14

4.3 力控组态软件编程的步骤 15

5 程序运行与结果分析 22

5.1 温度控制 22

5.2 液位控制 24

结  论 26

致  谢 27

参考文献 28

1  绪论

1.1  DCS的现状与发展

1.1.1  DCS的概念和特点

1.1.2  DCS的产生过程及发展趋势

1.2  课题研究的背景与意义

在现代社会,人们的日常工作、生活如果离开电力便是寸步难行,电力行业已然成为国民经济发展过程中的重要基础、支柱产业。在我国,虽然核电、风电等新能源正处于不断发展的阶段,但就目前而言,火电依旧是主流的能源。 分散型控制系统在热工对象装置上的应用:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_70299.html
