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时间:2020-12-17 20:24来源:毕业论文





Title   Traffic capacity of conventional bus                     


With China's rapid economic growth and urbanization process accelerated, urban vehicle ownership as well as the rapid growth in road traffic, traffic congestion, accidents and environmental pollution have a serious impact on people's normal life, as a constraint to sustainable urban development bottleneck. Since public transportation specifically carrying capacity, high transport efficiency, less energy consumption per capita, etc., and because fewer people and more of the city's social reality, so vigorously develop urban public transport, the implementation of bus priority strategy is the goal of urban transport development and direction.

Thesis on conventional public transport capacity and service quality research and analysis, including the following several aspects: conventional bus capacity, quality of service content and influencing factors; transit service time characteristics; effective number of berths analysis; stops Capacity Analysis. This paper analyzes the number of stops and stops berth congestion level on the impact of the bus lost time, draw stops capacity formula.

Keywords: Conventional public transport; Traffic capacity; Quality of service; Bus stop, Bus service hours.

1  绪论 1

1.1  课题研究背景 1

1.2  国内外研究现状 1

1.3  研究的目的与主要研究内容 3

2  常规公交通行能力和服务质量影响因素分析 4

2.1  常规公交通行能力 4

2.2  常规公交服务质量 6

3 公交停靠站服务时间特性研究 9

3.1  公交站点分类 9

3.2  公交车停靠运行特征分析 10

3.3  公交车损失时间 14

4  公交停靠站通行能力分析 19

结论 22

致谢 24

参考文献 25

 1  绪论 

1.1  课题研究背景

城市交通出行需求量随着我国城市化进程的加快而急剧增加,这让城市交通系统总体能力面临着新的挑战,而原先以非机动化交通为主的出行模式力又由于人们平均出行距离的增长而显得力不从心。同时由于城市居民生活水平不断提高,汽车价格也随着技术的进步而不断下降,人们小汽车的拥有量出现了急剧性的增长,小汽车在人们出行的交通模式中所占有的比重越来越大,道路拥堵状况不断增加,从而导致环境污染、能耗过大等一系列问题。 常规公交通行能力研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_66506.html
