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时间:2020-12-05 11:10来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词    AT89C51单片机;恒温箱;温度传感器DS18B20;C语言编程


Title The Design of Incubator System Based on The MCU

Abstract Incubators are widely used in many fields,Impact on human daily production and life.The design is a incubator control system based on AT89C51 MCU,the system is pided into two aspects of hardware and software,the hardware part:with AT89C51 MCU as the core,temperature sensor using DS18B20 collecting temperature and has a LCD display,keys can be set temperature and time,using stepper motor control the heating and cooling unit,these constitute an incubator;the software part:based on the C language programming ,using the modular structure,writing system main program, display subroutine, subroutines button control, stepper motor driver subroutines to implement software functions,realize system security, reliability, stability.The whole system can set the constant temperature and time with setting buttons,dynamic display and real-time monitoring the temperature using DS18B20 and Compare the detected temperature and the set value, use the control program to drive the stepper motor, to determine whether heating or cooling, in order to achieve the purpose of constant temperature.

目  次 

1  引言1

2  概述1

3  系统总体方案3

3.1  恒温箱工作原理及系统框图3

3.2  AT89C51单片机选择与简介4

3.3  温度检测部分8

3.4  输出控制部分8

3.5  显示电路部分8

3.6  控制面板部分8

3.7  编程语言9

4  系统硬件设计10

4.1 硬件电路设计概述10

4.2  单片机的外围电路12

4.3  温度检测电路设计13

4.4  步进电机驱动电路设计18

4.5  显示器接口电路21

4.6  按键接口电路23

5  系统软件设计24

5.1  软件任务分析24

5.2  程序结构设计25




1  引言


    虽然恒温箱的设计研究已经有很长的历史,但是因为温度的调节有一定的迟滞性,也就是在正常情况下,温度高于设置温度时停止加热,但是加热装置会因为惯性继续放出热量,使得恒温箱内的温度继续升高。当温度低于设置温度时则开始加热,此时加热要等加热装置温度达到恒温箱的温度才开始升温。因此恒温箱的温度会在在设置温度的上下震荡。因此恒温箱中温度不是保持不变的,而是一个温度范围。这也是恒温箱设计一直存在的问题。 AT89C51单片机恒温箱的单片机控制设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_65757.html
