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时间:2020-08-18 21:07来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In this paper, the single chip computer of AT89C51 and a kind of gas sensor are used to design the anti leakage device which has multi-alarm ways, with the safety of using gas being enhanced. The system is mainly composed of AT89C51, A/D converter, gas detector and alarm circuit. By measuring the gas concentration with the gas sensor, throuh the A/D conversion, the digital signal is sent to AT89C51 where they are procssed and displayed the gas concentration. The value of the gas concentration is been compared with the limit value of the alarm. If the value exceeds the limit value, the device will give out the alarm signal. The design possesses the advantages of good reliability, low price and easy operation.

Keywords: gas leakage, AT89C51, gas sensor, A/D converter


1  引言 4

1.1  煤气泄漏检测报警装置的现状 4

1.2  煤气泄漏检测报警装置的发展趋势及意义 4

2  防煤气泄漏报警系统的设计方案 4

2.1  设计要求 4

2.2  气体传感器的选型 5

2.2.1  气体传感器介绍 5

2.2.2  气体传感器应满足的基本条件 6

2.2.3  气体传感器的选定 6

2.3  煤气泄漏报警系统的设计方案 7

3  硬件设计 8

3.1  AT89C51单片机介绍 8

3.2 气体检测电路 10

3.3 时钟电路 11

3.4  复位电路 12

3.5 报警电路 13

3.6 总电路设计 13

4 软件设计 14

4.1 设计软件介绍 14

4.2 主程序设计 16

5  调试 17

总  结 18

参考文献 19

致  谢 20

1  引言

1.1  煤气泄漏检测报警装置的现状


因而家用可燃气体检测报警器应大家需求而诞生,它是一种适用于家庭使用的小型燃气安全防范产品。可有效避免煤气泄漏爆炸、火灾、中毒等恶性事故发生,已经被世界上大多数国家地区广泛引用。煤气泄漏报警器是燃气领域的安全卫士,一旦发生煤气泄漏,可及时提醒用户,避免中毒事故发生。在我国国内一些城市,如北京、成都、哈尔滨、青岛、济南、武汉等城市,针对燃气中毒事故接二连三地发生,果断采取措施,结果燃气事故大幅度下降。 AT89C51单片机防煤气泄漏系统设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_58607.html
